Bringing innovation and flexibility to help drive 100% customer growth internationally| Persistent Systems

Client Success

Persistent Systems Client - Acoustic

Acoustic partners with Persistent to bring innovation and flexibility

Acoustic is a marketing company which offers industry’s leading open marketing ecosystem comprised of intuitive, AI-powered products that are purpose-built for marketers.

Persistent brought mobile innovation for the SMPP standard and flexible partnering models that have helped Acoustic expand globally acquire new business.


Acoustic’s business expansion was constrained by a dependence on a single SMS channel partner which limited their geographic coverage, created scalability and functionality constraints, and required an excessive margin.


Persistent developed a new platform comprising of a highly scalable and feature-rich SMS delivery engine for Acoustic’s Campaign platform based on the industry standard SMPP protocol. This has driven 100% growth for Acoustic’s SMS business outside the US as it enabled onboarding local SMS gateways that yielded cost advantage.

Technologies Used

Persistent leveraged the strengths of our Telecom & Media Center of Excellence to bring high-value technical expertise in digital communications to this partnership.

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