In the fast-paced world of retail, staying ahead of customer expectations is a perpetual challenge. As technology evolves, so do consumer demands, and one trend that has emerged as a game-changer is the integration of Generative AI (GenAI) and conversational commerce to drive hyper-personalized consumer experiences. The growth statistics for Generative AI in the retail market are promising. The latest available data shows that the market has witnessed a year-over-year increase of 36.8%, with projections indicating continued growth in the coming years. This substantiates the fact that businesses are recognizing the transformative potential of GenAI in delivering hyper-personalized experiences. In this blog, we’ll explore how retail companies are leveraging GenAI and conversational commerce to craft omnichannel success and drive customer engagement.

Growth Statistics for Generative AI in the Retail Market
Customers demand hyper-personalized services

Modern-day consumers are not just looking for products; they crave personalized experiences tailored to their preferences. GenAI, with its ability to analyse vast amounts of data, understands individual customer behaviors, preferences, and shopping patterns. It provides actionable insights that retailers can leverage to offer personalized services seamlessly across multiple channels.

According to the latest Future Market Insights report, the conversational commerce market is set to grow at a CAGR of 15.6% to reach US$ 26,301.8 million by 2032, indicating a shift towards more interactive and personalized shopping experiences. GenAI plays a pivotal role in this growth by interpreting customer data in real-time, allowing retailers to provide personalized recommendations, promotions, and even product suggestions based on past interactions and purchase history.

Take, for instance, a customer who frequently shops for athletic wear online. Through GenAI, a retailer can understand this customer’s preference for specific brands, colors, and styles. When the same customer enters a brick-and-mortar store, the in-store AI system can leverage this information to guide them toward relevant products, creating a seamless transition between online and offline experiences.

Crafting seamless omnichannel customer experiences

While traditional AI systems have been instrumental in understanding consumer behavior, GenAI takes it a step further. It’s not just about analyzing historical data; it’s about generating new insights in real-time. GenAI’s ability to understand context, infer intent, and adapt to changing preferences makes it uniquely positioned to craft omnichannel experiences that go beyond the transactional.

According to Google, as 73% of retail customers expect brands to know their preferences, the top GenAI use cases for retail executives include demand forecasting, personalized marketing, and supply chain optimization. These applications demonstrate how GenAI can seamlessly integrate into the entire retail ecosystem, ensuring a cohesive and personalized experience for customers across multiple touchpoints.

Enhancing customer engagement with GenAI-driven interactions

Conversational commerce, powered by GenAI, is redefining customer engagement as more than 50% of consumers use voice assistants. Instead of static interactions, businesses can now engage customers in dynamic conversations, understanding their needs and preferences in real time. This not only enhances the overall customer experience but also builds a deeper connection between the brand and the consumer. By integrating chatbots and virtual assistants powered by GenAI, businesses can provide instant and relevant assistance, whether it’s answering product queries, guiding through the purchase process, or resolving post-purchase concerns.

Imagine a scenario where a customer initiates a chat to inquire about the availability of a product. Through conversational commerce, GenAI can not only provide real-time inventory updates but also suggest complementary items based on the customer’s preferences. This level of engagement goes beyond transactional interactions, fostering loyalty and increasing the likelihood of repeat business.

Combining brick-and-mortar strategy with digital natives

With more than a billion digital native consumers entering the market, retailers must redesign their digital commerce strategies and embrace a holistic approach that seamlessly blends brick-and-mortar strategies with digital native solutions. GenAI acts as the bridge between these two realms, helping brick-and-mortar retailers with optimum product positioning and ensuring that the customer journey is fluid, consistent, and, most importantly, delightful.

The growth statistics for conversational commerce further emphasize its impact on the retail landscape. Businesses investing in conversational commerce technologies are poised for success as improved customer engagement and seamless shopping experiences can be achieved through an AI-based ecosystem. By analyzing customer data, chatbots and virtual assistants can help customers discover products faster, recommend suitable items, provide information, and assist in completing transactions. This real-time assistance makes shopping more efficient and quick and can help reduce cart abandonment by up to 55%.

Elevating retail experiences

The convergence of GenAI and conversational commerce is a game-changer for retailers aiming to deliver hyper-personalized omnichannel experiences. By understanding and predicting customer needs, businesses can not only meet but exceed customer expectations, drive growth and improve brand loyalty. The statistics and use cases presented in this blog showcase the immense potential of these technologies, signaling a new era in retail where every interaction is an opportunity to create a truly unique and personalized experience for the consumer.

Author’s Profile


Padmanabhan Venkatesan

Senior Vice President & General Manager, Consumer Tech

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As a Senior Vice President and General Manager, Padmanabhan Venkatesan leads the Global Consumer Tech vertical at Persistent Systems, enabling digital product engineering for customers across Retail, CPG, Travel, and Logistics.