Client Success

Indian private sector bank reduces overheads and improves turn around time with robust integration architecture

The client is a leading Indian bank currently engaged in multiple LOBs, including retail and commercial lending and banking for over 7 million customers.

The Challenge

The bank wanted to enable seamless connection of multiple systems and entities across the enterprise. For this, they had to formulate an integration architecture blueprint to design and implement an end-to-end integration platform. The bank also wanted to offer seamless data transfer and eliminate tedious banking processes for its customers. This required exposing consumer APIs as a service to external and internal partners through an API management layer.

The client needed a partner who could help them implement an integration platform and provide support for governed reference data management to promote automated transformation lookups. Further, they needed to set up an automation framework to reduce operational overheads post-production. Above all, the bank required the partner to ensure seamless migration of the integration platform to an alternative product stack.

The Solution

Persistent implemented a state-of-the-art middleware architecture with extensive operational intelligence. We designed and developed 1400+ services, integrating 30+ applications as part of the solution. We also built a reference Data Management solution that could be leveraged to provide transformation automation and governed access to data.

Powered by MongoDB, the reference data solution stored sensitive customer data in a secure vault that had a role-based access control setup to define entitlements. Persistent also managed Business-as-Usual (BAU) operations by leveraging the latest DevOps technology stacks.

The Outcome

The bank improved productivity with a robust data store and seamless data management. They also reduced implementation costs and improved turnaround time (TAT). As an API-enabled enterprise, the bank now has access to on-demand data and functionalities. End-to-end integration, including Core, Web, Mobile, CMS, DMS, and with external regulatory agencies, has allowed the bank to ensure regulatory compliance.

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