Client Success

Animal Health Company Enhances Productivity and Customer Satisfaction with Low-Code Platform

The Client is a US-based animal pharmaceutical company and a leading producer of vaccines and medicine for pets and livestock.

The Challenge

As the world’s largest producer of medicine and vaccinations for pets and livestock, the client faced intricate challenges in automating processes within the Animal Healthcare domain. Specifically, supply chain management and logistics and financial operations posed difficulties. Extracting data for the Product Availability Report (PAR) demanded significant attention, while logistics required automated solutions for strict 24-hour export compliance. Monthly VAT filing for 10 Latin American countries proved time-consuming, and manual rebate calculations led to delays and errors, affecting customer satisfaction.

The Solution

Persistent implemented a comprehensive solution to address these challenges, assigning a dedicated Robotic Process Automation (RPA) team to manage approximately 13 projects. The team re-engineered the PAR generation process, automating reports for validation and action every Monday. For logistics, a 2-member team developed a scalable bot for air/sea waybill document retrieval and automatic upload to Veeva Vault within the 24-hour compliance window. Customized bots were crafted for data extraction from SAP and government websites, facilitating monthly VAT filing. Rebate calculations for the commercial business unit were automated, tailoring the solution for different rebate types across a substantial customer base. This multifaceted approach successfully addressed the client’s diverse automation needs.

The Outcome

Implementing automation projects created a substantial impact on the client’s operational landscape. Logistics witnessed over 1000 automated document uploads, resulting in increased efficiency and customer satisfaction. The PAR generation and US Customer rebate validation, handled by a 12-member team, achieved significant time savings totaling 2400+ hours. Automated solutions ensured error-free and timely tax filing, introducing improved controls and reducing penalties associated with delayed filings. Employee productivity increased, with manual efforts decreasing, enabling teams to focus on improving lead time in logistics and enhancing data sharing in financial operations.

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