Client Success

Australian Fast Charging Technology Company Improves CX with Salesforce

Hailing from Australia, this small independent company has emerged as a global frontrunner in DC fast charging technology.

The Challenges

Amidst rapid global sales growth, our client faced challenges with scattered leads, manual data consolidation for reports, and limited real-time visibility for directors as spreadsheets were being utilized to record leads and opportunities, which were then manually consolidated and analyzed by the executives to generate reports. A considerable amount of manual intervention was also required to ensure that the right people are consulted on each opportunity.

Furthermore, there was a need for constant manual communication to keep the manufacturing, warehouse, and logistics departments informed. Sales and service processes were not well-connected, and customers often had to submit support tickets through Jira. There was no visibility into a client’s overall value and interactions with their customers as sales and customer experience activities were managed across disparate systems.

Service engineers of the client company and their end customers encountered inefficiencies in accessing asset data and managing multiple processes for ticket management, scheduling/tracking 3rd party service technicians, customer site visits, service tech invoice process and approvals, parts orders and approvals, client communications, etc. 

The Solutions

Persistent adopted a two-phase approach and implemented Sales Cloud in phase one. We provided Support for multiple currencies and price books and robust lead and opportunity management capabilities for US, Europe, and APAC regions, including quota tracking. Chatter collaboration functionality was integrated to enhance team collaboration, while an executive dashboard provided executives with global and regional revenue and product insights.

In phase 2, Persistent implemented the Service Cloud and the Community Cloud to enhance customer experience. These included the Service Console, optimizing case management through Case Queue, Entitlements, Milestones, and Asset and Warranty oversight. A branded customer community enabled streamlined case submissions, tracking, and access to customer asset data. Robust knowledge management, Live Agent support, third-party service tech management, and simplified parts ordering further improved customer satisfaction.

The Outcomes

Implementing a pipeline transparency system offered benefits such as proactive collaboration, accurate projections, and effective planning. It provided the client with real-time visibility and standardized global customer experience processes. The system empowered sales and support teams with a 360-degree view of customer interactions and enhanced customer experience through a community platform. It served as a reliable source for real-time reporting and improved operational efficiency for business growth and success.

Technology Used
  • Sales Cloud
  • Service Cloud
  • Experience Cloud

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