Process Consulting, Mining, and Automation with ARIS
Software AG

Process Consulting, Mining, and Automation with ARIS

Today’s fast-paced business environment requires organizations to adopt a holistic approach: breaking down silos of information, enhancing operational agility, and delivering exceptional customer experience.

Persistent and Software AG collaborate to help companies transform their process insights into strategic business intelligence. Our expertise in comprehending how data flows through systems, enhanced by Software AG’s ARIS Business Process Management & Automation (BPM/A) platform, enables our clients to regain control of their enterprise architecture, revolutionizing operational excellence, regardless of where they are in their process maturity journey. We support clients with ARIS implementations, help them to design and model new processes, identify bottlenecks, eliminate redundancies, measure compliance, optimize processes, and embed continuous process improvement. Persistent also leverage our digitally engineered solution accelerators to unlock the true value in your investments.

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  • Align IT and business strategy with a single source of truth for enterprise-wide transparency.
  • Control costs, create efficiencies and boost productivity with enhanced operational excellence.
  • Stop revenue leakage and customer churn with Lead-to-Order, Customer Onboarding, and Incident-to-Resolve solution accelerators.
  • Improve governance and compliance and reduce risk.
  • Accelerate enterprise-wide transformation based on intelligent automation with Process Mining.
Our Services:
Business Process Consulting

Business Process Consulting

Align your enterprise architecture to your strategy from end to end. Design processes to maximize operational efficiency, increase competitiveness by boosting process performance, and manage the enterprise with complete visibility.

Process Mining and Discovery

Process Mining and Discovery

Uncover areas for improvement in existing processes. Create new efficiencies based on historical/factual data points and patterns.

Risk and Compliance

Risk and Compliance

Identify and address potential risks before they become major issues. Implement and operate an enterprise-wide compliance and risk management system using a process-focused approach.

Business Process Optimization and Automation

Business Process Optimization and Automation

Discover, model, analyze, measure, improve, optimize, and automate cross-functional business processes. Harness automated intelligence across the entire business.

Persistent has supported 1000+ implementations across functional and strategic use cases:

Software AG ARIS Use Cases

Our Solution Accelerators:


LtO is an end-to-end approach to managing the customer lifecycle. It integrates Sales, Order Management, and Product Delivery for a seamless customer experience and efficient sales and fulfillment cycle. Using Process Mining for LtO, clients can identify bottlenecks, speed up time to opportunity, limit revenue leakage, and automate the LtO process based on a continuous flow of business intelligence.

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From initial diagnosis to incident escalation, investigation, resolution, and recovery, the ItR process is critical in maintaining customer satisfaction and promoting Customer Lifetime Value. However, knowing your throughput time, achieving standardization with few variants, and ensuring process conformance can be hard without granular insights. Using Process Mining for ItR, clients can identify bottlenecks, solve incidents faster, and cut customer churn.

Customer Onboarding
Customer Onboarding

The process of onboarding new customers involves multiple internal and external stakeholders. Customers may experience delays due to the need to navigate KYC regulations and complete due diligence processes. Using Process Mining for Customer Onboarding, clients can boost onboarding frequency, reduce idle time, and have the transparency they need to fulfill SLAs.

From Silos to Synergy: A Saudi University Achieves Operational Excellence with Streamlined Processes

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Collaboration Wins: Persistent delivers faster, more secure ARIS upgrade for a Leading Chemical Manufacturer

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Saudi University Boosts Efficiency with Enterprise Architecture

From Silos to Synergy: A Saudi University Achieves Operational Excellence with Streamlined Processes

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Streamlining ARIS Upgrade for Chemical Manufacturer

Collaboration Wins: Persistent delivers faster, more secure ARIS upgrade for a Leading Chemical Manufacturer

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Why Persistent?

Proven Track Record

Over 30 years+ engineering experience. Our consultants know our vendor partner’s software inside out. And we understand how to engineer the systems and applications you have to get exactly the data out you need. We are winners of the ISG Star of Excellence Award worldwide.

Centers of Excellence

Our customers often come to us representing Centers of OpEx—and we know the pressures they are under. Boasting 7 Centers of Excellence dedicated to automation that go far beyond simple data manipulation tasks, Persistent can ensure your project is in the most competent hands.

Robust Partner Ecosystem

Our partnerships with leading platform providers enable you to build the right solution for today and the ability to innovate for tomorrow. We are certified professional partners for Software AG’s ARIS and webMethods.

News & Insights

Customer onboarding journey for banking clients with Business Process Mining


Five reasons your LtO process is not working

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Demystifying the customer onboarding journey for banking clients with Business Process Mining

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