
Client Success

Leading medical equipment manufacturer improves sales and marketing with Salesforce Cloud solutions

The Client

Our client is a global medical equipment manufacturing leader offering the most advanced, and leading edge medical devices and solutions. The client has R&D innovation and manufacturing centers across the globe.

The Challenge

The client faced several challenges in their sales, e-Commerce and marketing operations. The lack of a centralised forecast and sales reporting system led to significant issues in accurate budget planning and forecasting as data from different systems in different regions had to be consolidated. Moreover, error-prone and time-consuming manual reports using MS Excel further compounded the problem for the Sales teams.

Scattered product information and management, along with the absence of a centralised product master in a web catalog, posed a huge challenge for the e-Commerce business unit. The lack of product data accessibility and reporting due to data quality issues hindered the client’s e-Commerce business considerably.

Furthermore, the disconnect between Sales and Marketing, coupled with an inconsistent strategy and high costs associated with a third-party agency, presented formidable challenges to the company’s marketing team.

The Solution

The client selected Persistent, a leading Salesforce partner with over 18+ years of implementation and consulting experience, having delivered Salesforce-based solutions for sales, e-Commerce and marketing to the client for more than 6 years.

Persistent created a centralised forecast and sales reporting structure, enabling accurate and precise forecasting, connected to the ERP system by mapping the existing Excel planning structure into Salesforce and seamlessly integrating MS Navision’s ERP system.

For the client’s e-Commerce business, we created a Salesforce-based product management solution in one centralized system. By unifying product data across multiple regions and automating data entry processes, the company is able to provide accurate information and better services to internal and external stakeholders.

Furthermore, the Marketing Cloud rollout and seamless integration with the Sales Cloud empowered the client to establish a unified communication platform with a consolidated view for better reporting and execute data-based marketing campaigns, leading to improved lead capture and conversion rates.

The Outcomes

Implementing Sales, Marketing and B2B Commerce Cloud solutions brought significant benefits to the medical equipment and solutions provider. It addressed their challenges and enhanced their operational and marketing capabilities.

The unified view on planning, opportunity, and ERP data reduced reporting errors and allowed the client to plan and forecast more accurately. It eliminated the need for manual efforts previously required for reporting using MS Excel.

The new commerce solution significantly reduced the manual efforts of Product Managers and allowed them to manage their product bases from a central system. This not only streamlined internal processes but also enabled the sharing of data and information globally while making product data available through a redesigned web catalog for distributors and customers.

With data-based marketing campaigns, the client has been able to capture leads more effectively and increase conversion rates. This in-house solution saved time and budget while providing the client greater control and flexibility in their marketing efforts.

Technology Used
  • Salesforce Sales Cloud
  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud
  • Salesforce B2B Commerce Cloud
  • PIM

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    You can also email us directly at info@persistent.com