Cybersecurity is fast becoming one of the top business priorities, given the stakes in a highly digitized business economy. Every company asset – be it data, IT infrastructure, or applications – faces mounting risks of a cyberattack that could result in financial and reputational loss and can render business operations untenable in the aftermath.

 However, the challenge with viewing cybersecurity as a business goal is that, unlike developing a new revenue-boosting application, cybersecurity is an ongoing process without a definite endpoint. It’s a constant battle in an evolving threat landscape. Enterprises cannot fully secure all their assets; they can only adapt their security measures as threats evolve. Alongside addressing known risks, it is important to keep a close watch on unknown threats and be prepared to defend against new or unforeseen dangers.

 This white paper aims to offer comprehensive guidance on the top five gaps in enterprise cybersecurity strategies and remediation measures to plug these gaps and protect an enterprise’s digital assets.