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How to Build a Successful Proof of Concept for Search Accuracy with Amazon Kendra

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When implementing new technologies like cognitive search, it is difficult for organizations to gauge if the investment will deliver any business value. A proof of concept (POC) is a great way to ensure that the cognitive search solution you are evaluating is the right fit and that you are not saddled with a solution that does not work in your organization’s ecosystem.

We have created an eBook to help you understand the guidelines and best practices on how to run a POC for search accuracy with Amazon Kendra – a highly accurate and easy to use enterprise search service that is powered by machine learning. Read the book to learn how you can simplify your POC so that your search implementation teams can demonstrate Kendra’s capabilities over a few short days using an actual customer use case. The book describes how you can:

  • Test a core set of use cases and get executive approval to move into a production-like setting.
  • Run a pre-production POC that integrates search into the user’s workflow to demonstrate outcomes and get approval to move Amazon Kendra into production.
Swapnil Paranjpe Swapnil Paranjpe,
Persistent Systems
david shute David Shute,
Amazon Web Services
esther lee Esther Lee,
Amazon Web Services

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