Insurance Software and Technology Solutions Providers

Client Success

Leading Indian Insurance company implements Salesforce to manage sales and leads

Utilized Salesforce to modernize the sales process and deliver growth.


Client had a mammoth task at hand to manage a huge amount of historical customer data that was spread over multiple excel files, created by their sales personnel for managing leads, data, opportunities etc. The reporting too wasn’t accurate since it was completely manual and done solely on excel files.

Persistent developed a model to capture historical data (Customers, Contacts and Products in an account) and to extend the same model to future data requirements, without Visualforce pages

  • We designed a data model which took care of various products (Risk and Fund based) typical to insurance sector
  • We implemented a CRM solution which was flexible enough to accommodate the client’s growing requirements
  • Following features were implemented:
    • Recreated the excel reports and Dashboards in Salesforce
    • Call planning, Scheduling and tracking from top to the bottom of hierarchy
    • Capturing contact information (Trustees, Decision makers, etc.)
    • Alerts about special customer events, milestones in contact’s personal and professional life
    • Early warning and escalation mechanism for sales activities for an account
    • Reports and dashboards for executives, sales managers and for individual users, based on their hierarchy and current manual reports.
  • The CRM solution enabled the client reach wider target market
  • The solution helped client to manage customers, leads in an efficient manner
  • Management got complete visibility and control over Sales Process and Sales numbers
  • CRM activities, management new leads from different channels became streamlined
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