Migration of Microsoft Windows applications to AWS Case Study

Client Success

Migration of Microsoft Windows applications to AWS for a US-based managed healthcare and insurance provider

Learn how we helped a leading managed healthcare and insurance provider migrate three of its major customer-facing, Microsoft-based applications to AWS.

  • The customer wanted to migrate three customer-facing, .NET applications to AWS
  • They needed to refactor these applications to .NET Core and run them as containers on AWS ECS Fargate or using Lambda
  • Any anomalies within the cloud resources needed to be addressed and remediated
  • Ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations was critical
  • They wanted to streamline ETL processes and automate deployment for all environments
  • Implemented serverless using AWS API Gateway, Lambda, and DynamoDB with Terraform for AWS infrastructure provisioning
  • Enabled various AWS services such as Directory Service, Parameter Store, RDS, SES, S3, and ECR
  • Used ECS Fargate for container deployment and orchestration
  • Enabled Lambda and Step Functions for database workflows
  • Carried out performance comparisons and chaos tests for validating production and cutover needs
  • 3 major applications on AWS with centralized access control
  • Complete regulatory compliance ensured on the cloud
  • Lower TCO with on-demand usage and resource selection flexibility

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