Salesforce Marketing Cloud Enhanced with a Lead Scoring Engine

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Enhanced with a Lead Scoring Engine

Experience an elevated Marketing Cloud and ace B2B Marketing with the added advantage of lead scoring & grading.

Introducing Persistent’s custom-built lead scoring engine, designed to enrich Salesforce Marketing Cloud. This engine provides marketers the insights they need to trigger meaningful 1:1 communication across devices while becoming data-driven and customer-obsessed.

Infographic Lead Scoring Engine

The lead-scoring engine empowers your teams to precisely measure essential metrics including the prospect’s level of interest, their likelihood of conversion and more. This means you can plan better lead nurturing strategies and empower your teams to make effective, intelligent, and informed marketing moves.

Reach out for more information on how you can unleash the true power of lead scoring and maximize your Marketing Cloud investment.


The lead-scoring engine provides the following benefits,

  • Create or edit custom scoring rules on the fly
  • Seamlessly sync & send key prospects to Sales or Service Cloud
  • Trigger alerts to the sales team
  • Build custom fields, custom objects and process builder automations
  • Built entirely on Marketing Cloud – no additional licensing is necessary, just implementation costs

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Why Persistent?

Extensive Salesforce Knowledge

Through our 18-year partnership with Salesforce we’ve delivered 1,400 joint engagements while growing our global practice with 1,400 Salesforce Engineers, 30,000+ Trailhead Badges, and 2,700 Developer, Platform and Industry Certifications.

Exceptional Delivery Excellence

Bringing excellence with a 5 out of 5 CSAT Score and a global delivery model that delivers cost benefits for our customers.

Marketing Intelligence with Datorama & Interaction Studio expertise

Click, connect and unify all your data in one place with Datorama and enjoy a well-connected marketing ecosystem with Interaction Studio to guarantee you never miss an insight.

News & Insights

On-demand Webinar – B2B to H2H
A picture-perfect partnership: Europe’s largest photo finishing provider CEWE transforms customer experience with Persistent

Award & Recognition

Persistent Systems becomes an approved Salesforce Interaction Studio Partner

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Webinar – B2B to H2H – prioritizing Human to Human interactions in marketing with Salesforce & AGCO Corp

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Press Release

CEWE transforms Customer Experience with Persistent

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