Reduced care costs for a leading Healthcare solutions company by upgrading their care coordination system

Client Success

Reduced care costs for a leading Healthcare solutions company by upgrading their care coordination system


An innovative next-gen healthcare solution company that provides integrated financial, administrative and clinical software platform for healthcare payors needed to rapidly upgrade their product suite to stay ahead of the competition by modernizing their core administrative and care coordination systems.

  • Development of new features to health plans core administration system, including user interface, business logic development and database updates, QA and DevOps post development​
  • Enhanced the care management product to reduce technical backlog to improve the design  and adopt a new tech stack to enhance performance
  • New functionality to provide real-time and batch access to all Healthcare data and functionality from other applications and portals enabling all stakeholders with easyacess to the information required to provide more effective patient care
  • With Persistent’s deep knowledge of Payor ecosystems; we helped the client reduce the cost of care through improved member management
  • 10 % Reduction in technical backlog resulting in improved product performance
  • 20% Productivity gains through adoption of lean methodology execution
  • 18% cost savings by end-to-end development and co engineering the payer and care management products
  • Java, Karaf, Camel
  •  C#/.NET
  •  Angular JS
  • Jenkins, BitBucket
  • Ranorex
  •  Selenium
  • Junit / Mockito`

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