Leading American Insurance Provider Leverages Data As A Strategic Asset For Their Growth

Client Success

Leading US Health Insurance Provider Uses Data to Drive Growth


A healthcare insurance provider known for their innovative use of technology needed to scale and modernize their current data feed integration and future proof their current system architecture to enable their long-term vision for the company

  • Rigid architecture and complex programming required a significant resources to make changes to the platform, limiting innovation
  • The existing data platform was unable to scale, and meta-data level documentation needed to be maintained
  • Architecture needed to be strengthened and revamped to use modern technology
  • Upgraded outbound data feed architecture to Outbound 2.0, creating a more sustainable, manageable, and future proofed architecture
  • Standardized a template driven approach with the ease of debugging capabilities
  • Implemented standardized approach for handling all notifications & logging
  • Easy and quick onboarding of new partners into the ecosystem
  • Automated deployments into higher environments
  • Improved data quality & integration

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    You can also email us directly at info@persistent.com

    You can also email us directly at info@persistent.com