
Client Success

With a dynamic mobile ad SDK, a digital marketing solutions provider delivers targeted, smart impressions

Headquartered in US, the client is an innovator and digital solutions provider in multi-screen to brands nationwide. The client offers highly customized premium digital advertising solutions for renowned agencies and brands.

Their ad creation, distribution, and media amplification solutions deliver highly customized and effective digital advertising campaigns that maximize engagement and work beautifully across all devices.

Need for a dynamic mobile SDK to effectively monetize ad delivery platform

Smallest screen is the one that causes most trouble in a digital ad delivery model. Mobile devices, smartphone are not easiest screens to monetize for ad delivery business. The client realized that and partnered with Persistent to address several business challenges that were abstaining their users’, who are publishers, from achieving higher revenues and targeting right audience.

The client wanted to think outside the screen and wanted to move away from traditional ad placements mechanisms. With latest ad formats such as rich media ads, the organization wanted a powerful mobile ad SDK that ensured high engagements with reduced latency and robust ad quality controls for publishing platforms.

The organization identified major challenges:

Data Targeting: A major challenge for the client was to create an ad experience that feels authentic to the user, is not irrelevant, and does not cause the user to feel frustrated while using the app. The client felt the immediate need to connect advertisers with a broad and deep selection of buyers through targeted ads. Serving right content to the interested visitors had long been a challenge despite the much-hyped potential of internet to reach wider audiences than traditional forms of advertising (radio, billboard, print, and TV).

The client saw data targeting as a crucial component in the process to improve engagements, while skipping audience targeting resulted in delivering dumb / irrelevant impressions, that is, delivering impressions to a broad and fragmented audience.

Maintaining control: Another challenge was to aptly showcase ad inventory within different categories such as date range, targeting, and pricing for all available mobile ad formats to the advertisers.

Evaluating performance: The client needed a solution that could provide a 360 degree view of ad campaign performance by property, location, and core metrics like CTR, impressions, and total clicks.

The digital solutions provider required a robust mobile ad SDK as a foundation to intelligent and customizable digital advertising platform for mobile devices that gave real-time campaign performance analysis, predicted future marketing trends, and facilitated targeted ad campaigns.

Mobile ad SDK optimizes ad monetization, delivers smart impressions

We worked in close collaboration with the client, and after clearly understanding the solution roadmap, devised a mobile ad SDK that supports mobile ad publishing platforms worldwide by monetizing app with targeting advertising.

The delivered mobile SDK when added to an application/platform captures the accessible and permitted user data for mobile apps and stores it in the database. Based on the captured data, user personas are created to understand the audience before targeting ads. The personas are uploaded on a robust ad server. First party audience segments are created in server with defined user personas. Demographics categories such as age, business, education, gender, etc., in-market categories such as autos and vehicles, real estate, financial services, travel, etc., and interest categories such as games, finance, news, etc. are used for effective targeting.

Mobile ad SDK enhances usability of an app by serving detailed audience segmentation. Along with other functional components, SDK integrates with DoubleClick for Publishers by Google (DFP) that helps it sustain application’s scalability and reliability.

Smart impressions with targeted advertising: The mobile ad SDK derives smart impressions, that is, delivers mobile ad to most suitable audience. With best-in-class data targeting that allows publishers to offer premier placements to the advertisers, mobile ad SDK enables custom content integrations and first-to-market opportunities.

Controlled ad inventory: The digital advertising platform enables publishers to showcase their inventory for all available mobile ad formats which helps advertisers plan and place their ads accordingly.

Optimizing monetization:  Mobile ad SDK enables publishers to optimally generate revenue with targeted advertising, control over ad quality, placement, frequency, and other similar aspects.

Geo-fencing: Mobile ad SDK performs geo-fencing, a location-based capability that allows advertisers to promote their products and services in a suitable market so as to reach right audience looking for their products or services.  

Scalability:  With million devices sending tera bytes of user data every hour, the system is highly dynamic and scalable and delivers mobile ads in less than 100 milliseconds.

Comprehensive reporting and data analysis: The solution gives a deep dive, comprehensive campaign performance analysis by property, location, and core metrics like CTR, impressions, and total clicks so that publishers can proactively manage mobile ad goals with robust rich media data.

Persistent provided a proven, scalable, and cost-effective solution to help the client and their patrons achieve 100% transparency and automation in their ad operations.

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