
Client Success

Persistent helps one of India’s leading B2B marketplaces to sustainably scale their platform’s availability and speed with Google Cloud Platform

One of India’s leading B2B marketplace has been connecting buyers and suppliers on a unified digital platform for many years now. They offer a digital storefront – both on mobile and web, easy payment options, premium user accounts, and detailed feature listings to simplify business’s buying decisions and process.

The complexity and challenges of operating their digital business across India were further aggravated by the accelerated shift of their users to mobile screens from the web. They had to ensure a seamless, unfluctuating, fast experience across every channel. But the on-prem servers and storage needed to achieve such a customer experience overshot their budget, stunted their performance and speed, and increased scalability and security concerns.

The client then evaluated POCs with various cloud providers. They wanted to select a cloud that would give them reliable scaling for the next few years without peaks in spending and data and security breaches. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) emerged as the premier platform offering security, scale, and ease of use benefits.

Persistent led the client through the infrastructure modernization and migration process on GCP. The process started with an assessment of the client’s current infrastructure. Infrastructure challenges were identified in workshops and technical consulting sessions, and a constraint-wise GCP product mapping was done against the client’s previous products and services. Then, Persistent’s engineers carried out the client’s detailed infrastructure re-architecture with Google’s Compute Engine.

In the first phase, the client’s web properties were moved to GCP. The products used were Cloud Pub/Sub for enterprise messaging; Cloud Dataflow for data transformation; Geocoding APIs to match buyers and suppliers. Now the client has got the speed, scale, reliability, and availability on Google Cloud Platform to deliver high-quality service to their customers.

Post the GCP migration, Persistent also offered change management to the client on a bi-weekly basis; support is provided as needed. Monthly meetings are conducted to understand the future requirements, like – movement of their APIs and databases to GCP and setting up a data lake.

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