In our previous blog, we illustrated how the Marketplace presents three distinct opportunities.

  • Access to a wide array of transformative B2B technology assets for Consumers
  • An opportunity for publishers and partners to monetize their APIs, products, services, tools, accelerators, automations, workflows, documents/videos, and more
  • A platform for Developers to create new assets, by leveraging those already present in the Marketplace

In this blog, we would like to elaborate on how partners, publishers and developers could merchandize and monetize their digital assets. And throw some light on the process, the practical steps, from “ideation” to increasing your net revenue to keeping the cash register ringing.

As a partner, you’ll have a dedicated channel to propose new apps or integrations to the Marketplace, and (on approval) to publish a product description page enabling buyers to purchase your asset and consume it.

There’s a preparatory step before you can start listing your products in the Marketplace. You need to read the Partner Agreement and open a Partner Account through Support Center, providing the information required by Persistent to approve you as a partner.

The Partner Agreement includes all the details you’ll need to move forward, for example:

  • Submitting offers for publication
  • Certification of offerings
  • Post-publication assurances
  • Removal and disablement policies
  • Offer rankings and ratings
  • Grant of rights / Third-party rights / Marketing rights
  • Offer pricing
  • Service fees and payment of Partner net revenues
The Persistent Marketplace has something for Developers too!

When you click on a code-centric offering on the Persistent Marketplace (e.g., an API or a solution), you’ll see a blurb describing the nature and capabilities. You could either purchase the asset to consume it. A few assets even allow you to download the code for free. Using this feature, you could create integrations/mashups and host it on the marketplace for consumers to purchase!

Stay tuned for more perspectives from the Persistent Marketplace on selling your digital assets online.

So why should you leverage marketplaces? Read this blog to learn more.