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Salesforce Sales Cloud

Achieve sales performance objectives with Persistent Systems and Salesforce Sales Cloud. Streamline your sales process with innovative automation and insights.

Offerings & Solutions

Persistent Systems, a leading Salesforce partner with over 19 years of experience, can help you unlock the full potential of Salesforce Sales Cloud. We go beyond implementation, offering a comprehensive suite of solutions designed to transform your sales teams and drive business growth.

Seamless Integration for a Unified Sales Ecosystem

Our proficiency encompasses Salesforce Sales Cloud integration with critical business systems, including ERP, marketing automation, and customer service platforms. These integrations create a unified environment where visibility is improved across customer touchpoints, data flow is simplified, and the quality of the overall decision-making is improved.

Empower Your Sales Team with AI-Driven Insights

Salesforce Einstein AI, a Sales Cloud component, brings predictive analytics, lead scoring, and opportunity insights to your sales team, allowing them to spend more time on the most likely to close leads and opportunities. Teams enabled by AI-powered insights are better prepared to forecast customer needs, improve the follow-up process, and close deals quickly.

Streamline Operations with Advanced Sales Automation

Automate your sales processes from lead to cash. Our Sales Cloud implementation simplifies your daily workload by reducing manual data entry and freeing your sales team to sell more. Automation covers email integrations, task management, approval workflows and the entire sales cycle, making it smooth and effective.

Custom CRM Solutions Tailored to Your Business

Every business is unique, and so are its sales processes. We specialize in tailoring Salesforce Sales Cloud to your company’s unique sales model and strategies. Our solutions are based on custom fields and objects and tailor-made dashboards and reports for your customers. This offers a comprehensive view of your customers that improves relationship management and brings sales growth.

Connect and Sell from Anywhere with Mobile Sales Capabilities

The modern sales force is mobile. Salesforce Sales Cloud Mobile, enhanced by Persistent Systems, ensures your sales team has access to critical sales information, customer data, and productivity tools anytime and anywhere. This mobility empowers your team to make informed decisions on the go, keeping the sales momentum alive.

Client Success

Client Success

Japanese automobile company increases productivity with Dealer Management System

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Improving customer experience through automation and Salesforce

Client Success

Improving customer experience through automation and Salesforce

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Client Success

Leading Australian commercial workforce provider drives business growth and customer loyalty

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Why Persistent?

Expert Guidance

Leverage our expertise and knowledge in Salesforce solutions to build a reliable foundation for your sales strategies.

Customized Solutions

With a deep understanding of your business needs, we develop customized solutions that will work for you and your goals.

Innovative Approach

We are always at the forefront of technology, bringing you the newest Salesforce features and innovations that allow your sales processes to be ahead of the curve.

End-to-End Support

Whether it’s strategy development, implementation, or beyond, our certified Salesforce experts stand with you every step of the way, offering comprehensive support and guidance.

News & Insights

Evolution of CPQ on Salesforce


Revolutionizing Sales – the Evolution of CPQ on Salesforce and Beyond – Part 4

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ISG Star of Excellence™ Customer Experience Benchmark Report

Award and Recognition

ISG Star of Excellence™ Customer Experience Benchmark Report

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Finance sector is turning to conversational AI to improve customer experience and business function

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Related Offerings & Solutions

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