Client Success

Interactive Portal Provides Major Utility Company 60% Reduction in Onboarding Time, Improving Coordination and Standardization

A leading US-based utility company that provides natural gas and electricity services to 5.2 million households in the Northwestern US.

The Challenge

The client faced serious challenges with onboarding their applications into the SailPoint IGA and Ping SSO platforms. The onboarding process was human-driven, manual, and lacked standardization, making it cumbersome and prone to errors. The lack of a centralized process caused significant delays, preventing connection to the application until it was onboarded.

Coordination between IAM teams and application business users was challenging and often required days just to set up meetings. With no centralized way to monitor the process, the IT application team had no visibility into request status, making it impossible to discover where and when bottlenecks occurred.

The Solution

Persistent created an interactive onboarding portal as a questionnaire to acquire all relevant information from the end users for SailPoint IGA and Ping SSO integrations. The portal contained different sections for the application and IAM teams, ensuring a more efficient and streamlined process.

To increase visibility and collaboration among relevant stakeholders of the onboarding process, automated alerts and email notifications advised individuals when action on their part was required. This reduced the likelihood of bottlenecks in the process. The onboarding portal also included a ‘notes and comments’ feature, allowing teams to message each other for more information, facilitating communication, and reducing errors even further.

Persistent created dashboarding and reports for the portal to provide visibility into the portal utilization and time savings allowing the client to measure the efficiency of the new process and make data-driven decisions for future improvement.

The Outcome

Persistent’s solutions delivered measurable client benefits. The centralized onboarding process reduced lead times, provided monitoring and tracking capabilities, and enabled the application team to self-service, reducing the burden on the IAM team.

This resulted in a 60% reduction in overall application onboarding time, with SailPoint onboarding reduced from six to eight weeks down to three to four weeks. Ping Identity onboarding was reduced from four to five weeks to one to two weeks.

Persistent’s streamlined and automated solution provided scalability and standardization, helping the client achieve business goals and gain a competitive advantage in their industry.

Technology Used
  • SailPoint IGA
  • Ping Identity

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