ThoughtSpot and Snowflake recently announced tight integration of their offerings. In the recently concluded Beyond 2019 (ThoughtSpot annual conference) in Dallas, ThoughtSpot shows how data stored in Snowflake can be analyzed in ThoughtSpot.

In Part 1 of this blog, we focused on ingesting the data (in XML format) into Snowflake and preparing it for analysis in ThoughtSpot.

In this blog (Part 2), we will focus on how to connect to from ThoughtSpot to Snowflake and perform the search.

ThoughtSpot released Embrace as part of version 5.3. Embrace allows you to directly query that data and use ThoughtSpot’s analysis and visualization features, without moving the data into ThoughtSpot.

Embrace supports two modes:

  • Linked: Embrace runs the query on SnowFlake
  • Synced: Embrace runs the query upon bringing the data into ThoughtSpot

In this blog, we will show you the Linked mode example.

Dataset used

For this demo, we have used Clinical Trials Data which is publicly available on

Snowflake details
  • Database: healthcaresolution
  • Schema: ClinicalTrials
  • View: clinical_trial_summary
  • View: clinical_trial_conditions
  • Warehouse: LoadWH
Create Connection

Under the Data option, click on Connections and then the Add Connection button.

Create Connection

Select Snowflake and click Next

Create New Connection

Enter the requesting connection details

Enter the requesting connection details

Select the tables you will need for analysis; in our case, we will select the following:

Select the tables

Click Create Connections and ThouhtSpot will do the following:

  • Create sfHealth connection
  • Create clinical_trail_conditions and clinical_trial_summary tables
Create a ThoughtSpot Worksheet

As a good practice, we will create a Worksheet called Clinical Trials on the Snowflake view Clinical Trial Summary. In the screenshot below, you will notice column names are more business-friendly and we have created required synonyms.

Create a ThoughtSpot Worksheet

For reference in how to create a ThoughtSpot Worksheet, refer to


For searching, click on Search and click on the database button.


In order to choose the table, view or worksheet, click on Choose sources button.

Choose sources button

To make it easier, put in “clinical” in the filter text box. Check the Worksheet Clinical Trials.

Check the Worksheet Clinical Trials

Now, you will see all the columns and you are ready to search.

Examples of Search

ThoughtSpot allows users to query the data using keywords.

Example 1: Get a count of all trails grouped by min and max age criteria

Examples of Search 1

Example 2: Analysis of trails by Start and Completion Date

Examples of Search 2

Example 3: Time taken by Trial

Examples of Search 3