In recent years, the rise of low-code/no-code (LCNC) platforms has made it much easier for businesses to create new applications and improve existing ones without spending weeks or months on development.

However, with so many options available, deciding which platform is right for your business’s needs can be challenging.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Low Code/No Code Platform

Let us identify and try to compare the features and benefits of different LCNC platforms to help you select the best platform to suit your unique business.

Choice of Tech Stack

The tech stack of a LCNC platform determines the types of applications you can build, as well as the integrations you can make.

Some platforms use proprietary tech stacks, while others use open-source technologies. If you’re using specific programming languages like Dot Net or Java, make sure you choose a platform that supports them.

User Interface

The user interface of a LCNC platform is critical because it determines how easy it is to create and maintain applications. Look for a platform with an intuitive drag-and-drop interface and one that also allows you to create custom workflows and widgets easily.

Business Rule Complexity

Some platforms are better suited for creating complex business rules than others. If your business requires complex workflows or decision-making processes, make sure you choose a platform that can handle them.

API Integration

If you need to integrate your LCNC applications with other systems, make sure the platform you choose supports API integration. Look for a platform with a robust API that enables seamless integration with third-party applications.


If your business requires mobile applications, look for a platform that provides mobile application development capabilities and creates native mobile application packages for the AppStore or the PlayStore.

Needs of BPMN

If your business requires BPMN functionalities, make sure you choose a platform that provides it. Look for a platform that is built on BPMN standard.

Comparison of Different Low Code/No Code Platforms

Here is a comparison of several popular LCNC platforms for business solutions. Names were omitted for obvious reasons. Let me know in the comments if you know which ones are those.

Comparison of Different Low Code/No Code Platforms

Recommendation and Conclusion

Choosing the right LCNC platform can be a daunting task. However, with the right information and careful consideration, it’s possible to find the platform that best suits your business needs.

At Persistent Systems, we have the right toolset, analyzer and wealth of experience to help you with the evaluation and have a vast library of solutions to provide you with a head start.