As the world of technology continues to grow at a fast pace, businesses will need a more efficient and agile infrastructure to compete. Doing more with less is the new mantra and achieving it is possible by moving to a public cloud, such as Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, etc.

Public clouds are different from private clouds in the sense that they leverage the internet to give businesses storage, infrastructure, and servers. This allows sharing of the physical hardware with all the companies associated with a particular public cloud. Think of it as a huge building with all the required infrastructure rented out to multiple tenants. You pay as you go and therefore reduced costs.

By moving to the public cloud, you will experience the following benefits:

  • Reduced costs
  • Absolutely no maintenance
  • On-demand resources for unlimited scalability
  • High reliability and flexibility
  • Higher levels of control

Given these numbers and the many benefits associated with the public cloud, many small and medium-sized enterprises are migrating to the cloud and seeing transformational IT outcomes. However, to ensure a smooth transition from on-prem to the cloud, you need a public cloud IT transformation service provider that can help your business with infrastructure operations.

MediaAgility is a premier Google Cloud partner and a strategic IT Transformation services provider. We deliver exceptional services with cloud-native solutions that enable businesses to stay relevant and truly benefit from the public cloud platform capabilities.

Read more to see three how we enabled our customers to improve their business by moving to the most secure public cloud, Google Cloud Platform.

1. Customer: Artnet

Industry: Art eCommerce

Problem Statement: A leading online resource for the international art market, Artnet needed an infrastructure that could manage its comprehensive database of art with high levels of security. Their existing infrastructure had security, visibility, scalability, and management challenges.

Artnet chose Google Cloud Platform with MediaAgility as their preferred public cloud given the cloud’s global scale, ease of management, and security. MediaAgility consultants worked together to chalk out a detailed, phased migration plan to modernize with rapid lift and shift and deployed robust Google Cloud infrastructure at scale.

The public cloud IT transformation experts at MediaAgility established the foundational data pipelining capabilities.

  • Velostrata — to migrate applications from on-prem to GCP
  • Cloud Interconnect — to secure the connections
  • Cloud Monitoring (formerly Stackdriver) — better resource monitoring at a lower cost compared to their previous implementation
  • BigQuery — for daily user insights
  • Terraform — infrastructure provisioning automation with minimal to no manual intervention

The solution implementation helped increase operational efficiency by 280X.

Since their migration to Google Cloud, Artnet now operates a very stable and highly reliable infrastructure that allows them to focus on the strategic initiatives that will drive their future growth and profitability

Joseluis Gonzalez, VP — Operations, Persistent

Through code-based infrastructure provisioning automation and public cloud IT transformation, Artnet significantly reduced infrastructure provisioning costs.

Read the full customer success story here.

2. Customer: Eshopbox

Industry: Retail & eCommerce

Problem Statement: As Eshopbox scaled and their operations expanded, they started building their own infrastructure and dedicated server technology. But their talent and time were increasingly getting spent on infrastructure maintenance instead of their core jobs.

Eshopbox is a fulfillment infrastructure provider to help brands deliver exceptional customer experience across eCommerce platforms. They were looking to move to a public cloud to save themselves the time spent on infrastructure maintenance.

MediaAgility suggested Google Cloud Platform (GCP) as the best public cloud since it was the most natural choice for Eshopbox’s needs. MediaAgility’s public cloud IT transformation services and migration to GCP helped Eshopbox by:

  • abstracting from the underlying platform,
  • billing them only for what they use, and
  • scaling their technology as they further scale their operations nationwide

Something which instilled confidence about MediaAgility is the way they closely work with Google and know about Google Cloud Platform. With the strong Google Cloud Infrastructure and MediaAgility partnership, we have grown as much in just 3 months as we would have in 2 years

Mayur Karwa, Co-Founder, Eshopbox

By moving to GCP, the growth experienced by Eshopbox in three months was equivalent to what they would have in two years.

3. Customer: Purplle

Industry: Retail & eCommerce

Problem Statement: Purplle had a lot of data at their disposal but they weren’t able to fully leverage it to gain industry insights and consumer trends. They wanted a strong data pipeline to ensure high scalability and a solution that could help them improve recommendations to customers.

An eCommerce and beauty company, Purplle possesses huge amounts of data that it can leverage to derive key metrics for its decision-makers.

MediaAgility helped Purplle with serverless architecture and public cloud IT transformation by moving its infrastructure to Google Cloud.

We were looking out for solutions which basically would enable us to have a strong data pipeline and a strong data warehousing solution. The biggest plus point of moving to Google Cloud is the agility that it (Google Cloud) has added; we don’t have to worry about scaling as we have the state-of-the-art (Google Cloud) infrastructure available to our developers for their experiments…nothing seems impossible

Suyash Katyayani, Chief Technical Officer, Purplle

With public cloud IT transformation and the adoption of Google Cloud, Purplle improves its purchase rates by 25%, is able to scale efficiently and improve its recommendation engine, automate marketing stack, demand prediction engine, and more.


By moving to the public cloud, you will see an exceptional transformation in your IT costs and operations, not to mention the exposure to innumerable business opportunities. Get in touch with Persistent public cloud IT transformation experts and supercharge the growth of your business.