This February, Persistent shattered records with Semicolons 2024, our flagship 24-hour global hackathon. Under the leadership of Persistent’s CTO, Dr. Pandurang Kamat, more than 2000 participants from 5 countries and 14 cities came together to innovate and solve audacious, customer-centric challenges.

This event marked a spectacular display of talent, from fresh college hires to senior leaders, all uniting to showcase the art of the possible. It was a gathering of minds brimming with creativity and a passion for coding, setting a new precedent with an unprecedented participation of more than 250 teams!

What Made Semicolons 2024 Special

Global Collaboration: We witnessed a record-breaking >100% CAGR growth in participation and client engagements, with our vibrant community of innovators tackling 330 problem statements across 264 teams.

Firsts & Forefronts: From developing 25+ client-specific proof of concepts to exploring quantum computing solutions with D-Wave, Semicolons 2024 was a year of pioneering achievements.

Diversity & Inclusion: Celebrating diversity, we saw unprecedented participation from women engineers and leaders, along with a special accolade for a predominantly women’s team.

Generative AI: With the backing of IBM, Microsoft, and AWS, we delved deep into Generative AI, pushing boundaries in online shopping experiences and healthcare solutions.

The 24-hour coding marathon exemplified innovation, as teams passionately coded to turn visionary ideas into reality. Almost 10% of our global workforce participated, highlighting the collective spirit and dedication of the Persistent family.

Powered By

AWS, IBM Watsonx, Azure

Knowledge Partner

D-Wave / Quantum Computing

Domain Partner

National Insurance Academy(NIA)

Collaboration Partners

Prerana, Persistent Foundation, Early Careers & Campus relations

Semicolons 2024 wasn’t just a hackathon; it was a testament to what we stand for at Persistent – innovation, collaboration, and pushing the envelope of technology.