Prior to the coronavirus pandemic, barely 1 in 10 patients preferred using telehealth to engage with their practitioners. Less than a year later, nearly half (46%) prefer telehealth visits to office visits due to the more personalized interactions, faster response times, and the convenience of being able to manage and monitor their care from home.

These patient preferences won’t subside with the pandemic, however. The ease, personalization, and convenience we’ve experienced interacting with brands like Amazon, Netflix and Instacart have formed a baseline for all our interactions—healthcare included.

To exceed these rising consumer expectations, you need to deliver an omnichannel experience for patients engaging with care providers and agents while traversing the different services in care delivery. This omnichannel strategy will allow patients seeking information and care to approach the health system on any device, anytime, anywhere. The intelligence built into these “digital front doors” also ensure shorter waiting times, increased staff efficiency and better decision making that will lead to

  • Improved patient outcomes and loyalty
  • Provide a superior customer experience in a crowded market
  • Achieve sustainable, profitable growth in a challenging environment

Unfortunately, most internal IT teams lack the ability to integrate the various technologies needed to make this possible and to generate value from the exponentially growing sets of structured and unstructured data. Finding a partner with the right blend of industry experience and a proven track record of integration expertise is essential.

Introducing Digital Front Door from Persistent Systems

Digital Front Door is a fully customizable solution built around the specific needs of the healthcare enterprise. It provides a seamless, omnichannel experience for patients, care providers and agents for all phases of patient interaction and care delivery.

Digital Front Door from Persistent:
  • Sits on top of your existing healthcare ecosystem, maximizing the ROI of your existing IT investments in a non-disruptive manner. There’s no need to “rip and replace” any of your current ecosystem components.
  • Tightly integrates all your disparate systems to break down the silos, connect them together seamlessly, and provide the comprehensive, patient-centric viewpoint your practitioners and patients demand.
  • Leverages existing APIs and custom connectors to recruit third-party services and devices that can produce patient-specific data, analyze it, convert that analysis into customized plans, then deliver back to the patient via visual and audio prompts and cues.
  • Infuses machine learning and artificial intelligence (ML/AI) to continually learn how patients are interacting with the health system and derive insights from those interactions to dynamically improve that patient experience.
  • Works hand-in-glove with Persistent’s Digital Clinical Care solution to further enhance patient outcomes.
Digital Front Door from Persistent allows healthcare organizations to:
  • Meet and exceed rising customer digital experience expectations, intuitively and securely.
  • Build on and maximize the value of existing IT investments.
  • Harness the power of ML and AI to deliver unique insights that deliver a lasting competitive advantage.
Award-winning digital healthcare solutions experience

Digital Front Door by Persistent Systems is a robust platform built on Persistent’s unparalleled experience delivering digital healthcare solutions, including:

  • 15+ years of broad healthcare industry experience and understanding
  • 5+ years of specific solution development for cloud- and mobile-based healthcare systems
  • 20+ years of large-scale, complex integration and development experience for global organizations
  • Industry-leading user experience (UX) designers and developers, well-versed on crafting intuitive, customized front ends for a portfolio of complex solutions in a variety of industries
  • An award-winning track record of providing “exceptional customer-centricity in the delivery of core technologies across all geographies and industries” in the healthcare industry.

Explore our Digital Front Door offering that has empowered organization who are looking for:

  • Delivering customer experiences that exceed patient expectations
  • Driving patient loyalty
  • Improving outcomes
  • Delivering sustainable, profitable growth