The emergence of WebXR is sparking a revolution, offering a gateway to immersive experiences accessible directly through web browsers. WebXR, an extension of the web standard, enables users to interact with virtual and augmented reality content seamlessly across devices. Across healthcare, telecommunications, and other industries, the potential applications of WebXR are as vast, and usage continues to grow, enabled by the digital realms it can unlock. By leveraging the power of WebXR, businesses can enhance productivity, efficiency, customer experiences, streamline processes, revolutionize their operations, and much more.

What is WebXR?

WebXR, short for Web Extended Reality, is a technology that allows users to experience immersive content through compatible web browsers without the need for additional downloads or installations. By leveraging all latest web based XR technologies, WebXR enables developers to create immersive experiences that can be accessed across a wide range of devices, including smartphones, tablets, desktops, and VR headsets.

The utility of WebXR extends far beyond entertainment, which are the use cases that have captured the public’s attention and imagination. WebXR offers practical solutions to real-world challenges across various industries. One of its primary advantages lies in its accessibility. Unlike traditional AR and VR applications that often require specialized hardware and software, WebXR experiences can be accessed instantly (barring few limitations), making them ideal for reaching broad audiences.

Leveraging Generative AI to Enhance WebXR Experiences

At Persistent, we have built an accelerator – XRGen that leverages Generative AI (GenAI) models from Microsoft Azure OpenAI and Google Gemini to create content for WebXR experiences for different use cases across industry sectors such as healthcare, telecommunications, manufacturing, and others. Our accelerator leverages different text generation models (also known as Large Language Models or LLMs) for generating textual digital content for  products, while also leveraging different multimodal models (large multimodal models or LMMs)  for analyzing different videos and images to generate contextual content for XR experiences within  various use cases.

Additionally, the accelerator leverages Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) patterns to extract contextual and precise information from the trained data.  Integrated GenAI RAG functionality enhances the accelerator’s ability to retrieve and generate information in a contextually relevant manner, enriching overall user experiences with more accurate responses and insights. In fact, by leveraging GenAI models for building WebXR experiences, businesses can deliver dynamic and hyper-personalized experiences tailored to  users’ preferences and behaviors.

In our earlier blog post we talked about creating adaptive, interactive and immersive Extended Reality (XR) experiences by leveraging GenAI models. Utilizing GenAI for WebXR experiences is the next reasonable steps for enterprises in different industries, as it allows users to view and interact with digital content, which are overlaid around products, with various  touch-based and conversational interactions.

As seen in Figure 1, businesses can build customized immersive WebXR experiences for different product lines to showcase key products or features, which helps customers interact and experience products in new interactive ways as they learn more about the company and its offerings.

Figure 1: Sample of an immersive WebXR experience (Source: Persistent)

The GenAI-based conversational AI holographic feature shown above ensures relevance and accuracy in customer interactions, thereby, increasing customer engagement levels. By leveraging Google speech services featuring advanced speech AI, customer interactions are also more seamless with improved speech recognition and transcription features. Additionally, augmented reality/virtual try-on features for various products enables customers to visualize products before making a purchase, reducing the potential of returns and increasing customer satisfaction.

Our WebXR solutions provide product visualizations, product simulations, experiences around systems, devices, instruments operations, troubleshooting, field technicians support, data visualizations, and interactive experiences for use cases spanning different industries.

WebXR Benefits to Organizations

By advancing user experiences with WebXR solutions, enterprises can save on costs, increase productivity, and enhance overall customer satisfaction. Enterprises also experience process efficiencies and improvements that reduce time-to-information for end users, with all contextual simulations and digital information available when needed.

By leveraging existing web infrastructure, businesses can develop and deploy immersive experiences through WebXR more rapidly and cost-effectively compared to traditional XR applications. Moreover, the accessibility of WebXR ensures that experiences can be easily shared and accessed by stakeholders across departments and locations. By working with Persistent to harness WebXR solutions, businesses can add new dimensions to their digital experiences and provide differentiated methods for users to review and purchase their products and services.

WebXR represents a paradigm shift in the way we interact with digital content, offering limitless possibilities for innovation and growth. By embracing WebXR, businesses can unlock new opportunities, enhance customer experiences, and stay ahead in an increasingly digital world. As GenAI models continue to evolve, the potential for personalized WebXR experiences will only grow, shaping the future of enterprise solutions and human-computer interaction.

With deep expertise in XR and GenAI and in building different WebXR, AR, MR and VR solutions, Persistent helps organizations build customized, intuitive, and immersive experiences through development, consulting, design, services, and support. For more information, contact us today.

Author’s Profile

Shilpa Ramteke

Shilpa Ramteke

Head, Extended Reality


Shilpa Ramteke is responsible for driving thought leadership in Extended Reality (XR) technologies at Persistent. She designs and develops XR (AR/VR/MR) applications that seamlessly integrate with a wide range of devices such as Microsoft HoloLens 2, Meta Quest and Apple Vision Pro, among others. She also engages with customers across various industry sectors and helps them build intuitive & immersive user experiences driving business value.