When customers understand a company’s business model, they can make informed decisions, set realistic expectations, and engage with businesses that align with their preferences and values. This understanding enhances the overall customer experience and fosters trust in the marketplace. The most important aspect of a business model is its ability to create sustainable value for both the business and its customers.

The importance of a well-defined business model

A business model should be developed with a deep understanding of business needs, preferences, and behaviors. Focusing on customers and focusing on the business model are not mutually exclusive ─ they are complementary aspects of running a business. Satisfied customers not only contribute to ongoing revenue but also act as promoters, provide valuable feedback, spend more over time and help the business maintain a stable customer base. It can lead to long term success, growth, and a positive brand image, all of which are essential for thriving in competitive markets.

What business model means to a company?

It’s a plan or strategy, that outlines how a company will generate revenue and make a profit. It describes the overall strategy, operations, and financial structure that allow the company to sustain itself and be profitable.

The parameters of a business capability model play a crucial role in shaping the overall strategy, operations, and financial structure of the business. By analyzing and optimizing these parameters, a company can develop a business capability model aligned with its goals and capable of creating sustainable value for its customers and stakeholders.

There are several types of business models, each with its own strengths, weaknesses, and suitability for different industries and contexts. Many businesses use a combination of these models. For example, a company might sell products online (e-commerce model) while also offering a subscription for premium features (subscription model). The choice of business models depends on the nature of products or service, the target audience, and the company’s overall strategy.

Types of Business ModelStyleStrengthsWeaknesses
Freemium Model
  • User signs up for free and gains access to limited features.
  • User is given the option to upgrade to a premium version of the product or service for additional features and benefits.
  • Company generates revenue through premium subscriptions and/or advertising.
  • Offers a low-risk way for customers to try a product or service before committing to a paid version.
  • Can help build brand awareness and user base.
  • May be difficult to convert free users to paid customers.
  • May be challenging to provide enough value in the free version to retain users.
E-commerce Model
  • User browses products or services on company website.
  • User adds desired products or services to cart and checks out.
  • Company generates revenue through product sales and/or shipping fees.
  • Offers convenience and accessibility for customers to purchase products online.
  • Can reach a global audience.
  • Requires significant investment in website development, inventory management, and shipping logistics.
  • Requires a strong marketing strategy to stand out and attract customers.
Advertising-based Model
  • User visits website or app that displays advertisements.
  • Company generates revenue by selling advertising space to businesses.
  • Offers a low-cost way for users to access content or services.
  • Can generate revenue from a large user base.
  • Revenue is dependent on advertising demand and user engagement.
  • May require a large user base to generate significant revenue.
Subscription-based Model
  • User pays for a subscription to a product or service on a recurring basis.
  • Company generates revenue through ongoing subscription fees.
  • Offers a predictable revenue stream.
  • Can create customer loyalty and recurring revenue.
  • Provides an ongoing relationship with customers.
  • May face intense competition from other subscription-based businesses.
  • May require a long-term commitment from customers.
Marketplace Model
  • Users buy and sell products or services through an online marketplace platform.
  • Company generates revenue through transaction fees and/or advertising.
  • Offers a platform for buyers and sellers to connect.
  • Can generate revenue from transaction fees or advertising.
  • Requires significant investment in platform development and maintenance.
  • May require significant marketing investment to attract buyers and sellers.
Direct Sales Model
  • User purchases a product or service directly from a company or salesperson.
  • Company generates revenue through product sales.
  • Offers complete control over the sales process and customer relationships.
  • Can create strong customer loyalty and relationships.
  • Requires significant investment in sales and marketing personnel.
  • May have limited reach compared to online sales channels.
Crowdfunding Model
  • User contributes money to a campaign to help fund a new product or service.
  • Company generates revenue through contributions and/or pre-orders.
  • Offers a way to test market demand and validate a product or service.
  • Can generate funding without giving up equity or taking on debt.
  • Success is dependent on the ability to market and promote the crowdfunding campaign.
  • May be challenging to attract significant funding without a compelling story or product.
Which is the best business model?

There is no one-size-fits-all “best” business model, as suitability depends on the industry, product or service, target market, and competitive landscape. A successful business model should align with the company’s goals, resources, and capabilities. Ultimately, the best business model is the one that effectively meets customer needs, creates values, and sustains profitability over the long term.

Author’s Profile

Seema Rai

Seema Rai

Business Analyst, Salesforce


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Seema Rai is a Business Analyst with over 10 years of experience in the IT and healthcare industries. She has strong understanding of complex business process and strategies to enable success in using Salesforce to streamline operations and drive organizational growth.