Several organizations, today, are looking to transform their current customer experience and bring it up to a level, that is modern and meets the expectations of their customers. But before we get into the nitty-gritties of what goes into crafting that perfect CX, it helps define it in unambiguous terms. The best definition we found was in this great blog on Forrester defining customer experience as ‘How customers perceive their interactions with your company’.

When today’s CXO explores these transformation opportunities, the questions that come to his mind are:

  • How will his ‘new world’ experience work like and look like?
  • How will this ‘new world’ experience impact my current technology investments?
  • How much time will this need to see the light of the day?
  • How much money does he need to spend to get this?

One successful way to answer these questions is to work with a multidisciplinary team of designers, technology architects & domain experts, and use design thinking to:

  • Closely connect with current users and business stakeholders
  • Map out their experience with the current product and find pain points
  • Visualize a new world with a new customer experience, where customers are super happy
  • Prototype, validate and iterate this experience with business and technology stakeholders
  • Launch a version that meets the constraints of what users want, what technology can deliver and what business can afford to invest

Persistent’s Digital Greenhouse offering is one such proposition that achieves these effectively.

What is Persistent’s Digital Greenhouse?

Elements of Persistent’s Digital Greenhouse

This is typically a 4-6 weeks of engagement where we bring together following expertise in one room to create a grand vision of the new and transformed world:

  • Strategy:
    • What problems are we solving?
    • How will this change our customers’ lives?
    • Why should people buy this?
    • What is the data telling us?
  • Personalized Experiences:
    • How will our customers’ stories change because of this?
    • How will they talk about us?
    • How will they connect with each other?
  • Technology:
    • What technology landscape and solution is needed to achieve this vision?
    • What constraints will our technology decisions put on user experience?
      What is the delta between our current investments in technology and new required technology landscape?
  • Industry Knowledge
    • What are the current business processes?
    • How will the new vision improve business process efficiency?
    • What is our current customer journey? What will be the journey in my digitally transformed organization?
    • What are the nuances of the domain?
    • What are compliance and regulations do we need to follow?

Bringing this expertise to work together is critical to achieve the following:

  • Designing the customer experience that is aligned to business strategy
  • A user experience that customers want
  • Ensuring that the experience design is feasible (not science fiction) considering the technology landscape and constraints
  • Ensuring that the experience works well in the context of the business domain and is:
    • Aligned to how the business really works
    • Maps to real world business processes
    • Aligned to compliance and regularity environment

What gets delivered as a part of a Digital Greenhouse engagement:

  • Personas
  • As-is Journey Maps for these personas
  • An analysis of opportunities that the as-is journey maps present
  • To-be journey maps of the new world
  • Interactive mockups of the grand vision
  • Technology solution for this new world vision
  • A roadmap and plan for the implementation of this vision

How do typical greenhouse engagements look like?

Although an ideal engagement is of 6 weeks, these can take up various sizes depending on the business needs. Typical engagement that we have worked on and the deliverable with time look like this.

Greenhouse engagements

To understand this better and to look at some success stories on Persistent has leveraged Digital Greenhouse to its customers, achieve a grand vision of the new digitally transformed world, get in touch with us or send email to