In the words of Tim Cook, “A great product isn’t just a collection of features. It’s how it all works together.” The essence of any product or service lies in its architecture and design. The caliber of design dictates the trajectory of technical health, development efficiency, and overall success. A subpar design can jeopardize productivity, credibility, and the long-term sustainability of the service. As acclaimed software developer Martin Fowler emphasizes, an architect must navigate the realms of the customer, business, and developer perspectives for a holistic approach.

Navigating Design Challenges in Low-Code/No-Code Platforms
  • Rapid progression from concept to launch, often within hours or days, characterizes no-code/low-code platforms. While this accelerates the workflow, the absence of traditional coding compresses testing and quality assurance timelines.
  • Crafting an optimal user experience in low-code/no-code platform design requires resisting the allure of incorporating every conceivable feature or functionality, presenting a distinct challenge in maintaining streamlined design principles.
Strategic Steps for Effective Design Preparation
  • Competitor Analysis: Thorough research on existing products addressing similar issues is crucial. Assessing usability compared to analogs helps identify customer pain points, offering a competitive edge. Addressing these pain points not only enhances the product but also keeps the design adaptable for future requirements.
  • User Research: Leveraging data, particularly through analytics tools and AI platforms, informs the design process. This approach enhances efficiency by basing decisions on user behavior data, ensuring the product aligns with user needs and continually improves user experience.
  • Process of New Releases: Understanding inter-application dependencies is paramount in designing a robust architecture. Identifying applications that require simultaneous deployment and ensuring seamless communication between applications anticipates conflicts, preventing potential issues in the future.
  • System Documentation: Documentation should seamlessly integrate with the code, covering module naming conventions, image libraries, entity relationship diagrams, comments on complex logic, code standards, and architecture design records. Embedding documentation in the code ensures it remains current and integral to the development process.
Tools and Concepts for Optimal Design

OutSystems advocates a 3-layer architecture, where the foundational modules form the bottom layer, encompassing common structures, exceptional handling, and infrastructural actions. The middle layer comprises core entities, business logic, integrations, and workflows, while the topmost layer, consuming the layers below, focuses on role-based user interfaces. Adhering to this architecture and managing upward or circular references is fundamental in achieving a well-designed product.

Several tools, such as Discovery, AI Mentor Studio, and Architecture Dashboard, facilitate this design approach. These tools aid developers in assessing the adherence to proper performance, security, architecture, and maintainability within their applications. Guided resolutions provided by the platform assist in addressing any identified issues.

Example: Crafting a Comprehensive OutSystems Application

Ensuring a thorough approach to every facet of our OutSystems application design, covering UI, Logic, Workflow, Integrations, and Database, is essential.

Consider building a loan origination system as an example. Begin by understanding and defining the application’s current and future scope, establishing a scalable foundation from the outset.

Database Structure: Design the database structure meticulously, incorporating tables for Collateral, Account, Party, Dependents, Pricing, Relationship, Mapping, and Day 0 Configuration seed tables for Banks/Branches. Implement separate public service actions for CRUD operations while keeping entities private.

UI Design: Define separate screens for each configurational table, aligning with market trends for a streamlined user experience with minimal clicks. Prefill information wherever possible to facilitate an efficient onboarding process.

Logic Implementation: Ensure proper modularity, separating core concepts such as Pricing and Party into distinct modules. Employ canvas logic for efficient pricing calculations, credit decisioning, and the utilization of business rules and validation rules. Maintain proper code flow orchestration, minimizing database calls for a well-maintained design.

Integrations: Establish integrations with the bank’s legacy system, defining synchronization approaches clearly.

Workflow Management: Maintain a seamless workflow from party onboarding to loan disbursement. Integrate sections for manual tasks, such as underwriter approval, within the workflow.

By scrutinizing each aspect individually with a designer’s eye, we can attain a well-crafted and effective design for our OutSystems application.


Design is set in the beginning, but it needs to be maintained as well. While there will always be changing requirements depending on the ever-changing customer scenarios, striving to discover the most optimal ways to seamlessly incorporate modifications without compromising productivity is the shared responsibility that ensures the enduring success of the application.

Author’s Profile

Rashi Agrawal

Rashi Agrawal

Engineering Lead, Intelligent Business Automation


Rashi Agrawal is an Engineering Lead in Intelligent Business Automation Unit at Persistent Systems.