Legacy modernization has been a strategic focus for nearly every digital transformation initiative. As businesses become more data-driven, it becomes increasingly important to reevaluate the effectiveness of legacy systems. Rapid technology advancements and the necessity for cost optimization drive the urgency to modernize even more. In addition, businesses need to be aware of potential risks and pitfalls associated with modernization, such as disruptions to business operations, data loss, cost overruns, compliance issues, and more.

To successfully navigate this transformation, key stakeholders must go beyond mere awareness to envision the impact of their transformation on the organization as a whole. By embracing visualization, stakeholders can identify and mitigate these risks to gain a holistic view of the transformation journey and facilitate a successful modernization. Virtual whiteboards, infrastructure, and process mapping, and Business Impact Analysis (BIA) are crucial visualization tools and techniques for legacy modernization. They provide visual representations that help understand complexities, dependencies, and potential outcomes, facilitating improved planning and decision-making. Virtual whiteboards enable collaborative visualization, whereas mapping captures existing and desired states to identify opportunities for development. BIA evaluates the business impact, mitigating risks. Together, these tools improve your visual comprehension, resulting in improved planning, more informed decision-making, and ultimately successful implementation of the modernization project.

Why visualization is the key to legacy modernization

Visualizing the transition from “As-Is Legacy Systems” to “To-Be Modern Digitally Transformed Systems” is crucial for success, but such documentation is seldom accessible. The visualization functions as a reference point, allowing a variety of data-related actions to be initiated, which facilitates the formation of sound judgments. Some of these critical actions include calculating and planning benefits, comparing and evaluating the proper platform for modernization, and identifying business unit and IT department stakeholders who will be a part of this journey. Additionally, it involves identifying customer upselling and cross-selling opportunities, as well as the elimination of redundant processes and systems.

At Persistent, we utilize Low code/No code platforms to expedite the modernization process, drastically reducing the timeline from years to weeks and months. Persistent has helped a leading US-based healthcare and life sciences organization to modernize their legacy systems and achieve remarkable results, including increased sales and upselling of up to $1M each month, reduced back-orders, and improved customer service. In another case, within a year of modernization, the client was able to process 35% of new orders through the new system, showcasing its effectiveness. Implementing a modern technology stack helped them accelerate onboarding and mitigate attrition. Additionally, the intuitive nature and well-documented processes reduced their reliance on human experts.

Maximizing stakeholder benefits through visualization

If stakeholders are able to visualize the impact, they will be able to determine whether the impact justifies the investment. Often, a superior system may be available, but the cost does not justify the impact. Visualizing plays a significant role in getting the necessary buy-ins, interest, and support for the program. In addition, it enables them to identify opportunities to boost revenue and minimize their expenses, thereby positioning the organization to compete effectively in the market. Visualizing also offers many advantages for monitoring and maintaining regulatory compliance, as well as supporting rapid and predictable IT change. Lastly, visualizing the impact of legacy modernization enables the leadership team to acquire confidence and engage in substantive dialogue.

The stakeholders involved in the modernization must be aware that the modernization journey might miss out on some processes, entities, data, or users. The new system might not be perfect and cannot cover every combination and permutation, and they must avoid some execution paths and processes to minimize losses. Negotiating with people who are closely working with current legacy systems is also a significant aspect of modernization.

Legacy modernization cannot be accomplished by a single team; rather, it must be viewed as an enterprise-wide initiative that may initially benefit one group but also requires the participation of other groups. Having and articulating a clear vision can empower the organization to navigate modernization complexities confidently, ensuring a successful transformation. Persistent’s legacy modernization services help organizations to gain valuable insights, best practices, and guidance to build the best possible plan for the future and communicate it to all stakeholders. Together, effective visualization unlocks an organization’s full future potential, drives innovation, and enables success in the digital age.

Reach out to us today to learn more about how Persistent can help you formulate your legacy modernization strategy to upscale your business.