The Persistent Marketplace enables access to more than 100 APIs, products, services, solutions, tools, accelerators, frameworks, productized services, documents and other B2B technology assets – but even more compelling is the power of marketplaces to spur new partnerships and business opportunities. 

Global B2Bs are increasingly embracing marketplace strategies as they search for new ways to distribute their technology, capture added revenues, and source technologies they can quickly deploy for their digital engineering efforts. The opportunities they’re finding are valuable and real – both technically and financially. 

Here are some interesting findings by Gartner about B2B marketplaces:
  • Marketplaces account for 67% of global e-commerce sales, while the remaining 33% of transactions are on companies’ dedicated websites.  
  • 70% of the enterprise marketplaces launched by 2023 will cater to B2B transactions.  
  • Organizations running enterprise marketplaces for over a year are likely to record at least a 10% increase in net revenue. 
Marketplaces offer three types of opportunities that help your organization stand out in the crowd:
  • Access to transformative B2B digital assets for Consumers 

    Access to a vast growing library of digital assets could promote agility and faster innovation. The Persistent Marketplace ecosystem is a portal to discover and leverage the expertise of the world’s most trusted, leading technology companie

  • New Revenue Stream for Partners 

    Through the unified ecosystem of the marketplace, partners can merchandise and monetize products, solutions, accelerators, APIs, content, and other integrations.

  • Unlocking new integrations 

    The marketplace unites the transformative tech community with global hyperscalers, encouraging new partnerships and collaboration. Therefore leading to the development of new integrations and mashups.

To sum it up, the Persistent Marketplace is well-placed to help both consumers and partners. It helps buyers stay ahead of the curve in today’s digital environment, and publishers generate new revenue streams.  

How could partners and developers leverage the Persistent Marketplace? Read our next blog.