Client Success

A Multibillion Dollar Global Company’s Transformation: From Excel Spreadsheets to Streamlined Identity Management

A multibillion-dollar global leader in the retail pharmacy and healthcare industry, operating in more than 25 countries that provides affordable and accessible healthcare solutions.

The Challenge

The client was facing significant challenges regarding identity access management. They lacked a system to manage user onboarding and offboarding, relying on clunky excel spreadsheets for tracking. Tracing who had access to what and when was a cumbersome manual and error-prone process.

Users had multiple IDs and passwords across different systems, making it arduous for employees to remember all their different login credentials. This increased security and compliance risks because users often requested resets. There was no reliable account of who had requested access to various systems, who approved it, and when permissions changes were made.

The Solution

Persistent introduced the client to the Saviynt Identity platform to provide a comprehensive for their identity management needs. The platform offered the ability to automate the onboarding and termination process, eliminating the need for manual processes and excel spreadsheets. The Saviynt platform received daily feeds directly from HR, allowing seamless user provisioning and de-provisioning.

The platform introduced a oneID and one-password system, synchronized across all systems, simplifying the user experience and making managing access across different applications easier. Ignite/ MyPassport was implemented, providing self-service options for password changes, access requests, and group management requests.

Access to AD and LDAP was added to user accounts, making managing user identities and tracking access to different systems easier. An MFA component, such as email or phone verification, was also activated, providing an additional layer of security to the system.

The Outcome

Persistent’s solution eliminated a significant amount of human error, reducing risk, improving accuracy, and minimizing efforts required by the helpdesk.

The self-service functionality streamlined access requests, dropping the service time well below the previous average of 7 days. The platform’s one-password solution eliminated the confusion of managing multiple credentials across systems, allowing for a simplified, unified login experience that worked seamlessly across the entire organization.

The MFA functionality provided additional security to the remote access process, allowing for secure remote authentication. The IDAdmin group workload was drastically reduced, and 92% of access requests are now self-serviced.

Technology Used
  • Saviynt
  • Ignite

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