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Client Success

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How Persistent helped Cotherm to enhance its customer relationship and strengthen its positioning using Salesforce

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About Cotherm

Cotherm is a French company that has established itself as a market leader in temperature and energy management solutions with over 70 years of expertise. Cotherm designs and produces smart, connected thermostats to reduce C02 emissions and optimize energy consumption, by regulating water and air temperatures depending on the ambient conditions and requirements.


Maintaining leadership in the fast changing, highly regulated energy industry means it is essential for Cotherm to not just be a provider, but also provide long-term support and advice to clients.

In this context, the client faced the following challenges,

We compared proposals from 4 different Salesforce integrators: we chose Persistent Systems, because, right from their first presentation, they showed that they are real specialists in implementing the Salesforce CRM tool. Their offer was well-structured and well-defined, in terms of timescales and budget. Their estimate for project completion was accurate, and they delivered on all their commitments.

– Thierry Camillieri, Cotherm General Manager

Persistent’ consultative and implementation expertise came into play as they came up with Salesforce-powered solutions for Cotherm like,


Cotherm enjoys a multitude of benefits post implementation including happier clients and streamlined internal processes. The Persistent Salesforce team also delivered the project within stipulated timelines and budget, to deliver,

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