Higher productivity with development of digital insights

Client Success

Higher productivity with development of digital insights dashboard for a leader in the pharmaceutical supply chain

Learn how a pharmaceutical supply chain provider improved productivity using a secure and future proof digital dashboard. The digital dashboard enabled improved visibility of shipments and better usage of logistics resources. 


  • Cold service logistics provider for medical supply was struggling to meet growing market needs due to lack of scalability in legacy logistics platform. 
  • Lack of an interactive, web-based interface resulted in delays and lack of visibility on shipments
  • Business commitments delayed with data dispersed across various silos and resulting inefficiencies
  • Lack of a secure access, multi-level access governance and audit controls for internal and external users


  • Designed a modern public cloud-based SaaS platform using serverless, microservices architecture secured using AWS Cognito and MFA
  • Rapidly deliver in 5, 2-week sprints providing easy online access to the platform for internal and external users
  • Accelerate deployment with automation using CloudFormation templates  and CI/CD pipeline
  • Deliver system wide insights for all user’s using QuickSight reports and dashboards in weeks
  • Secure user access to reports with data level security using custom RBAC model. Also implement RBAC interfaces to simplify security administration
  • Ensure compliance with audit reports to track usage and monitor system administration
10-week time to market

Delivered solution in five 2-week sprints

Future proof architecture

Using serverless, microservices architecture for scale and automation for deployment

Higher security and compliance

With system wide RBAC models

Improved productivity

With digital insights dashboard

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    You can also email us directly at info@persistent.com