cs Digital transformation of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Client Success

Frankfurter Allgemeine

Digitally Transforming media powerhouse Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Read in:   French | German


Historically, Frankfurter has been as an incredibly successful printed newspaper with one of the widest circulations in Germany and abroad. But as they entered the digital age, the team felt the need for new monetization strategies that could help overcome the challenges that stemmed from a reduction in circulation numbers.

The teams at FAZ and Persistent were tasked with resolving the following challenges,

  • 62 functional components and 27 separated data bases​ resulted in an ultra-complex, difficult-to-navigate system landscape
  • A consolidated view on customer was missing with customer data spread across several systems w/o integration​
  • Inefficient service case handling resulted in backlog of over 50,000 open support cases​
  • Missing product and offering definitions complicated the digital sales strategy 
  • New subscriptions were handled manually in 4 different systems, whereas e-Commerce was done via 13 unrelated web shops​
  • Marketing had no real access to subscriber data and segmentations were manually performed in separated ERP system

The team at Persistent worked with FAZ and acted as consultants and implementors to introduce Salesforce products as the core tool in marketing, sales, service, and e-commerce.  

Salesforce as a platform ranks #1 in bringing together disparate systems and building a unified view of customers was successfully leveraged to provide FAZ with,


Persistent & Salesforce brought numerous capabilities to support Team Frankfurter and outcomes included,

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    You can also email us directly at info@persistent.com