Faster time to production for major travel company’s IT infrastructure

Client Success

Faster time to production for major travel company’s IT infrastructure using DevOps

Learn how a leading travel management company headquartered in Europe aligned its global IT operations and infrastructure and speed time-to-market and improved overall communications.


  • Required 24/7 response and no downtime
  • Support teams were spread over regions, resulting in cumbersome communications and operations
  • Limited resources and technical proficiency


  • Deployed common model across 109 countries
  • Improved IT continuity with training and governance
  • Centralized offshore support with multi-domain expertise
  • DevOps extended collaboration between development, testing, infrastructure, and operations teams to reduce time to production from weekly to daily and on-demand
  • Deployed Splunk globally to proactively alert and analyze to avoid downtime
  • Deployed centralized ticketing tool SDP globally to improve response time
  • Reduced application production deployment time with TFS, reducing errors and improved quality assurance


  • DevOps streamlined communication process and improved resolutions
  • Identified and resolved issues up to 60% faster
  • Reduced escalations by up to 85%
  • Converted complex logs to graphs and reports for simpler analysis, reporting and troubleshooting
  • Improved response time to reduce costs, improve response time

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