Client Success

Global market research and consulting leader optimizes cost and accelerates delivery with data platform modernization

The client is a leading marketing data analytics and brand consulting company with 25,000 employees across 75 markets. The company specializes in market research, advertising effectiveness, social media monitoring, public opinion, brand tracking, consumer and shopper behavior, and customer experience management

The Challenge

The client provides data and evidence-based insights followed by actionable recommendations to global organizations. For this, the company captures all screen views by integrating people meters (measuring TV sets) and router meters (tracking home network traffic).

With over 70,000 people meters and 23,000 router meters in markets worldwide, it can provide a complete picture of media consumption. This obviously required processing large amounts of data. The limitation of the client’s proprietary algorithm meant that the spikes observed in viewership could not be explained.

The Solution

Persistent partnered with the client to migrate on-premise components that move and process data from collector to downstream systems. We built a solution using Azure Data Factory and Airflow that can orchestrate the pipeline to ensure data accuracy.

Integrated measurement technology captured viewership across all screens from TV sets and routers, with second-by-second granularity. Persistent built real-time dashboards with built-in alert mechanisms for anomaly detection of the audience measurement platform.

The solution also used content detection used by other measurement companies and endorsed by trade bodies like the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE).

The Outcome

A cloud-native solution enabled innovation and helped in accelerating solution delivery so that the end customer had a workable solution within four months. The solution also helped the client optimize costs and achieve licensing and platform cost reduction.

Technology Used
  • Azure
  • Azure Cognitive
  • Azure DevOps

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