
Client Success

Hartuv Elementary School migrates their information architecture to Google Workspace with Persistent

MediaAgility was acquired by Persistent in May 2022 and its capabilities form the foundation for Persistent’s Google Business Unit. As a Google Cloud Partner and a strategic IT Transformation services provider, the Google Business Unit is focused on delivering transformational services with cloud-native solutions that enable businesses to stay relevant and benefit from the public cloud platform capabilities. 

Hartuv Elementary School is a government-backed educational institute that offers primary education to as many as 600 children under 12-years from across all parts of the local municipal council. This organization has been working for over 20 years.


Having grown sizably over the years, Hartuv Elementary School was facing the issue of maintaining a pricey information architecture. They were relying on traditional messaging and information architecture and were shelling out heavy sums for that. Being a charitable entity, cost-effectiveness was an irrefutable challenge the organization had to deal with.

Furthermore, all their IT extravaganza wasn’t good enough to ensure a lucid collaboration channel among its faculty members and students. With so many changes in education processes taking place with the advent of the new paradigm technologies, it was indispensable for the institute to have a pan-organization collaboration network.

The changing technological environment has triggered the need to have a more interactive and collaborative framework that can help our students and faculty team to communicate better

Howie Gordon

Being on the on-premises IT architecture, Hartuv Elementary School’s IT staff were spending a substantial amount of their time in patching, updating, and maintaining the system. This whole staff was preventing the IT Department from focusing on more creative and relevant applications. IT Administration costs too were coiling as the Institute was coughing up considerable money on installing and running varied security measures, like virus and spam filters, storage updates, etc.


Hartuv Elementary School struck the chord perfectly with migration to Google Workspace for Education suite. After having an intense consultation with the teaching staff, students, and other members, the Institute’s top-brass found it logical to migrate their information architecture to Google Workspace. A majority of the members were already using some Google Workspace components, like Gmail and Google Docs, and thus concorded the move.

Google outclassed all other service providers in almost all aspects, including features, costs, reliability, data storage, and ease of use. Above all, it has helped the organization axe out the collaboration issue they have been facing. It’s cloud power facilitated anytime, anywhere collaboration among various parts of the institute, a feature which proved instrumental in imparting quality education and aided other departments stay well-connected to resolve vexing issues with tremendous ease and efficacy.

Gordon asserted, “We also considered several other available options and discussed all of them at length. But the familiarity of the folks with the Google Interface perhaps did the trick. Then you have all those cost and efficiency benefits to talk about…. Frankly, I didn’t have to push for it much”.

How we helped Hartuv Elementary with the transformation

We were privileged to have this opportunity of serving the organization which has been serving society for many years. We understand the significance of educating children for reshaping the future of mankind. Hence, we contributed to the best of our capabilities, by adding a painless deployment of the Google Workspace services.

The company attended all the technical, management, and other aspects of deployment with great expertise and ensured an impeccable transformation.

That’s not it. We also took steps for imparting training sessions on tips and tricks on using various Google Workspace services. The company also created an exclusive site for facilitating Change Management, which has helped the members of the organization to learn Google Workspace at their own pace. It also provided the organization with email support facility to help them resolve their issues, if any, with the help of just a couple of clicks.

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