
Client Success

HealthACE digitally transforms pharmaceutical BI reporting

MediaAgility was acquired by Persistent in May 2022 and its capabilities form the foundation for Persistent’s Google Business Unit. As a Google Cloud Partner and a strategic IT Transformation services provider, the Google Business Unit is focused on delivering transformational services with cloud-native solutions that enable businesses to stay relevant and benefit from the public cloud platform capabilities. 

HealthACE is a global Business Intelligence company that specializes in providing their pharmaceutical industry customers with insightful reports and analysis, a 360-degree view of key competitive and strategic issues. The data enriched insights help major pharmaceutical companies to make better and faster decisions. Their expertise is focusing, filtering, and deriving actionable insights from an avalanche of data produced by the investment community.

Since its inception in 2001, HealthACE has been delivering customized intelligence reports to the executives of major biopharmaceutical industry sectors including:

  • Executive BioPharmaceuticals Intelligence Report
  • Consumer Health Service
  • Oncology Intelligence Report
  • Diabetes
  • Managed Markets
  • Drug Distribution
  • Therapeutic Class Monitoring

As our business grew, we needed a reliable, efficient “back office” system to accommodate an expanding and diverse range of customer needs.  Our legacy application was insufficient, and our previous vendor was slow in responding to issues, despite their high cost

Jeff Larsen, Managing Director, HealthACE
Need of the hour: automated processes to improve accessibility, user experience, and agility

HealthACE came in with their need to deploy a fully automated and holistically managed data processing platform. They aimed to deliver enhanced BI report generation and distribution to their customers. In addition to that the company faced other business critical challenges like –

  • Low Accessibility: The front end of the existing application was accessed by over 2000 registered users and hundreds of concurrent users. The application failed to provide a good turn around time to access published reports. The legacy application infrastructure failed to meet with the low latency requirements due to its inability to scale during peak hours of usage.
  • Need for Speed: The challenge only grew as the degree of customization increased. One possible solution identified was revamping the infrastructure. Since the application was hosted on single instance of web server at a public datacenter, it ran on limited memory and lacked powerful parallel processing to crunch large volumes of data extremely quickly. The application crashed quite often and needed frequent resetting to stay workable.
  • Analysis-Paralysis: The application grappled to accurately process financial data that was part of the HealthACE reports. This ultimately led to publishing of inaccurate financial content on the reports.
  • User Experience: HealthACE analysts experienced several glitches while authoring and publishing reports, while end users had inconsistent access and issues with report delivery.
  • Technology Compliance: The application could not cater to the growing needs of HealthACE customers with respect to new report formats / templates and recognizing new channels of distribution.

The executives at HealthACE were focused on optimizing their research workflows with an eye on automating the entire process to furnish quality reports to their users. To enhance their data processing and report publishing capabilities, we advised HealthACE to run their platform on Google Cloud Platform.

Bringing in the digital transformation to drive insightful analytics and reporting to the users

We evaluated several alternatives to address the company’s performance issues. Ultimately, they decided to engineer a robust report authoring and distribution platform on the best-in-class Google’s infrastructure to power their performance to distribute daily intelligence reports to their customers. The platform currently enables HealthACE to generate visually appealing reports featuring insightful charts and graphs for the users. With visual analysis, users can filter, compare, and correlate data at their speed of thought. The current analysis tools also often incorporate forecasting, modeling, statistical, what-if, and predictive analytics without having to face any down time. The application is fully accessible to users around the globe and scales with increase in traffic. Google Cloud Platform delivers the speed and massive scalability HealthACE needed to maintain the high levels of service availability and system performance their customers deserve.

MediaAgility built us a reliable, effective application. More importantly, they provide rapid response when issues occur with incoming data, or clients have customization requests


The HealthACE Pharma Intelligence services provide powerful data insights from financial analysts, industry, and scientific sources that helps HealthACE create actionable answers to business questions. What lies ahead? More data and more analysis. HealthACE is already creating, analyzing, and distributing huge number of records on a daily basis. That growth will continue.

About HealthACE

HealthACE has been providing customized intelligence reports to their wide client base since 2001.  Their customers include senior management of most major biopharmaceutical firms. In recent years they have added specialized reports, both syndicated and customized, focused on senior management in therapeutic and customer segments.

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