Client Success

How Persistent helped Corteva Agriscience digitize its business strategy with Pulsar and Salesforce

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Corteva Agriscience is a global provider of innovative solutions for seeding and protecting crops and promoting growth. The company, formed in 2017 from a merger of Dow and DuPont, now supports farmers in 140 countries.

Corteva Agriscience continues to launch new products and develop digitally driven solutions for improving crops and increasing farm profitability. In April 2022, Corteva Agriscience opened its first European Center of Seed Applied Technologies (CSAT) in Aussonne, near Toulouse.

The Challenges

Corteva wanted to digitize its ordering processes in France and several other European subsidiaries. Aimed to equip the sales teams with a single shared tool accessible from anywhere, even in ‘white zones’ like remote areas.

Many of Corteva’s clients are farmers living in white zones. Sales Representatives need to access and update their customer data and send it to head office. They also need to generate PDF documents required for each visit.

Corteva chose Persistent to find an intuitive, easy-to-use digital tool for creating and sharing documents anywhere, including in white zones. This tool would replace multiple and varying applications used in different countries, including, in some cases, carbon paper.

The Salesforce solutions: 

Persistent implemented the “Pulsar” solution.


  • Allows access to the new Salesforce CRM.
  • Can connect to Salesforce offline. This means that salespeople can access the CRM from a tablet in the middle of a field regardless of the state of the farmer’s Internet connection.,

When implementing the Pulsar solution, Persistent had to consider three important elements:

  • Varying order form information across different countries. 
  • Varying languages.
  • Varying locations.
The Outcomes:
  • A significant improvement in sales team performance. Over 80% of Corteva’s sales teams have adopted Pulsar.
  • Accurate, real-time recording and sharing of information. 
  • Orders and concluded and processed live.
  • The sales teams were Pulsar-equipped for the summer season.

As of today, Persistent has implemented the new solution in five countries: France, Romania, Spain, Germany, and the United Kingdom.

The next steps

Thanks to the synergy generated by the close collaboration between the Corteva and Persistent teams, the project has evolved to include:

  • Enabling Persistent’s teams to participate in maintenance and user support to further refine the application.
  • Adding additional languages to make the application available to other European countries.

A project of this magnitude is never simple, but Persistent has the advantage of having understood our business very well. Its teams have shown agility, a desire to succeed and a focus on our needs. Together, we met all the challenges of a large project: a true Corteva/Persistent winning team was created, and that’s pretty cool to see!

Pierre Rougier, Sales Effectiveness Leader Europe, Corteva Agriscience

For a more detailed look at the challenges, solutions, and outcomes, download the case study by clicking the button below.

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