Improved Account Visibility and Elevated Customer Outcome

Client Success

Significantly Improved Customer Engagement for A Fortune 100 BFSI Company By Equipping Support Agents With Contextual Information In Their Preferred System Of Experience

Learn how a BFSI client achieved a 33% reduction in average time spent by its agents in search of accurate and contextual information while responding to customer queries. Deploying Persistent’s Engage 360 solution provided the required visibility for the agents in their preferred system of experience and ensured information availability at their fingertips.

  • Information and knowledge about clients, plans, subscriptions, contributions, was in disparate silos
  • Financial agents spent significant time and effort across scattered interfaces looking for relevant information
  • The client was losing opportunities to engage with their clients and making sound recommendations for their financial well-being
  • Proactively delivered relevant details contextual to the client conversation
  • Delivered the sponsorship, investments, plans, contributions, and other relevant information within Salesforce Service Console application
  • Offered powerful cognitive search functions such as query auto-suggest, faceted navigation, sort methods, pagination, et cetera through the Salesforce interface
  • Led to faster and comprehensive response to client requirements
  • Helped build personable and effective client relationships
  • Secured superior investment outcomes for client through proactive recommendations
  • Ensured improved business outcomes and client loyalty

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