Leading Aesthetic solutions provider rolls out unified CX| Persistent Systems

Client Success

Leading Aesthetic solutions provider achieves a 60% increase in productivity with Salesforce

Salesforce & Persistent brought all the client’s disparate systems & data onto one platform to provide unified CX.


The client is a leading hair restoration expert with over 40 years in the industry. Their operational challenges included a tough to maintain reporting system which required daily manual reporting, a disjointed scheduling system, a distributed POS with no implementation of payment gateway and the overall difficulty of managing so many separate systems seamlessly.

  • Installed Salesforce Einstein Analytics and the Salesforce CPQ solution.
  • Brought the entire POS under a Single Salesforce Platform.
  • Automated daily reporting module using Salesforce library management
  • Implemented a custom scheduler using the lightning platform to integrate into Salesforce.
  • Gave real-time solutions for 13 complex integrations between Salesforce and external systems.
  • Implemented PayEezy payment gateway integration with Salesforce.
  • Implemented Care Credit, HFD, UGA and Lending Club 4 credit application systems inside Salesforce.
  • Implemented custom CTI integration with Noble and Salesforce with automatic popup screens and activity creation
Impact of the solution delivered by Persistent


Jump in Counsellor Productivity


Increase in Referral Conversion


Improvement in number of Scheduled Appointments

  • All data and reporting integrated into a single Salesforce platform prioritizing ease of usage and maintenance.
  • Created a one-stop-shop for all POS activities leading to seamless maintenance and accounting.
  • Empowered team to generate daily reports at the click of a button and auto-saving it in the Salesforce library
  • Eased operations by providing both CRM and Scheduling at a single place
  • Synced data in real-time between Salesforce CRM and 13 other external systems using SOAP and REST API integrations.
  • Enabled real-time acceptance of PayEezy payments by POS team.
  • All credit application process integrated into Salesforce.
  • Integrated Noble CTI into Salesforce resulting in integrated system for call centers.
Partners Involved

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    You can also email us directly at info@persistent.com