
Client Success

Leading digital marketing solutions provider achieves 100% transparency and accuracy in ad delivery

Headquartered in the US, the client is an innovator and digital solutions provider in multi-screen to brands nationwide. The client offers highly-customized premium digital advertising solutions for renowned agencies and brands.

Their ad creation, distribution, and media amplification solutions deliver highly customized and effective digital advertising campaigns that maximize engagement and work beautifully across all devices.

Need for a one-size-fits-all solution: A comprehensive solution for advertisers and publishers

Digital advertising space can pose more challenges than opportunities for advertisers and publishers alike. Publishers aim to generate higher revenues and advertisers need to spot the right set of audience for their offerings. This large digital media company partnered with Persistent to address several business challenges that were stumbling blocks in their users’ way to achieve higher revenues and targeting right sets of audience. The organization identified major challenges faced by the advertisers on their platform.

  • Fraud: More than half of the online adverts are not viewed by real humans. Huge amount of traffic and ad clicks come from bot networks. Tracking genuine views and clicks is an industry problem.
  • Finding the right audience: The ultimate objective of any digital ad campaign is to convey the message to the right audience at the right time i.e., wherever they are online. Audience targeting helps improve brand campaign effectiveness. Skipping audience targeting can result in delivering dumb impressions, that is, delivering impressions to a broad and fragmented audience.
  • Perplexing ROI calculation: Connecting dots between ads and revenue can be a tough challenge to address. ROI hugely depends on effectively creating, planning, targeting, and executing digital advertising campaigns.
  • Channel Attribution: Valuation of digital advertising touch-points helps analyzing ad performance as well as plan for future ad placements.

While the publishers faced following challenges:

  • Drive Superior monetization: Publishers grappled with generating optimum revenue through ad spaces on their digital assets.
  • Data Targeting:  Publishers felt the immediate need to get connected to a broad and deep selection of buyers through targeted ads.
  • Maintain control: Once they touched base with ad buyers, their next challenge was to aptly showcase their inventory for all available ad formats and screens.
  • Performance Evaluation: Client needed a solution that could provide a 360-degree view of ad campaign performance by property, location, and core metrics like CTR, impressions, and total clicks.

They required an intelligent and customizable digital advertising platform that gives real-time campaign performance analysis, predicts future marketing trends, and facilitates targeted ad campaigns.

A solution to maximize engagement on all platforms and devices

Persistent devised a customizable digital ad platform that plans, creates, executes, and maps digital ad campaigns. The delivered solution is a self-service digital advertising platform that supports advertisers and publishers worldwide by tracking and managing digital advertising campaigns. Solution’s robust capabilities and easy-to-use functionalities provide advertisers and publishers with data-enriched insights, visibility to gauge effectiveness and gain full control over digital advertising campaigns.

The platform is built on highly scalable and available Google Cloud Platform coupled with BigQuery that delivers accurate data analysis. Mobile SDK is another component that enhances usability of the solution by serving audience segmentation. Along with other functional components, the platform integrates with DoubleClick for Publishers by Google (DFP) and DoubleClick Ad Exchanges. DFP helps system sustain application’s scalability and reliability, and connect advertisers with users across screens and formats. While, DoubleClick Ad exchange gives flexibility to publishers to manage partnerships and revenue.

Some of the solution benefits seen by the organization:

  • 100% transparency in ad delivery: Advertisers get a fair view of where their ads are being placed. The application detects fraudulent, or unviewable placements so that ads are actually viewed by people.
  • Geo-fencing: The solution performs geo-fencing, a location-based service that allows advertisers to promote their products and services in a suitable market so as to reach right audience looking for their products or services.  
  • Real-time campaign performance analysis: The system gives publishers access to real-time ad performance analytics that helps them make timely, better-informed decisions that increase revenue generation and explore new opportunities.
  • Optimizing monetization:  The solution enables publishers to optimally generate revenue by getting paid for every ad click on their digital asset.
  • Targeted advertising: The solution enables best-in-class data targeting that allows client to offer premier placements to the advertisers, enables custom content integrations and first-to-market opportunities.
  • Controlled ad inventory: The digital advertising platform enables publishers to showcase their inventory for all available ad formats and screens which helps advertisers plan and place their ads accordingly.
  • Comprehensive reporting and data analysis: The solution gives a deep dive, comprehensive campaign performance analysis by property, location, and core metrics like CTR, impressions, and total clicks so that advertisers can proactively manage ad campaign settings and goals with robust rich media data.

Solution Capabilities:

  • Real Time campaign performance analysis
  • Forecasting market trends
  • Customizable platform
  • Cloud-based and globally distributed

Persistent provided a proven, scalable, and cost-effective solution to help advertisers and publishers and their patrons achieve 100% transparency and automation in their ad operations.

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