
Client Success

Persistent built an integrated analytics dashboard for a leading international YouTube multi-channel network

The client is a leading international multi-channel network that supports and works with multiple YouTube channels to produce and record video content.

Since the client was collaborating with an increasing number of YouTube content creators, there were challenges in managing the magnitude of work – from communicating with the new channels for partnerships, drafting, sharing, and maintaining legal agreements, onboarding, and setting up the right mode for payments. The client was managing the end-to-end process with extensive manual interventions. Also, there were hardly any insights into the performance of individual affiliate channels.

Building a dashboard solution to piece together the whole process

The client worked with their digital consulting partner, Persistent, to build a centralized solution. After understanding the client’s challenges and the process workflow, Persistent built an integrated dashboard to smooth out the onboarding process and to give a distilled view into the functioning of the affiliate channels.

The solution designed by Persistent uses:

  • Google App Engine
  • Cloud Storage
  • Data Store
  • and other external APIs like YouTube APIs

Now, the client derives multiple benefits out of the solution:

  • Majority of the offline and manual work have been replaced by automated tasks in the dashboard. For example, payments are automated and can be made in bulk batches too. The solution also has customizable email templates to send to the affiliate channels.
  • The client is able to manage channels which are in different stages of the process funnel, starting from invitation to verification.
  • There are separate admin and user level logins to the dashboard.
  • The onboarding team has achieved increased throughput in the same given time. The solution also supports in generation of contract agreements, hence slashing down the time spent in documentation.
  • The client gets insights into the performance of each affiliate channel against metrics like views, watch time, earnings, and more. With these metrics, the client scores the performance of the affiliate channels and can better review and define the future course of action.

With the solution, the client has been able to manage and coordinate better with their content creator’s community and use data-backed insights to activate marketing campaigns for the affiliate channels.

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