
Client Success

Persistent powers field force of a leading pay-TV service provider with location intelligence 

MediaAgility was acquired by Persistent in May 2022 and its capabilities form the foundation for Persistent’s Google Business Unit. As a Google Cloud Partner and a strategic IT Transformation services provider, the Google Business Unit is focused on delivering transformational services with cloud-native solutions that enable businesses to stay relevant and benefit from the public cloud platform capabilities.

The Customer is a leading international Pay-TV Service Provider with over 10,000 employees and more than 2.5 million subscribers. They employ a wide network of field agents who ensure customer requests are serviced in a timely manner, for both initial service installation and provisioning and technical service calls.  Customer has identified that a timely response is key to maintain high levels of customer satisfaction and retention. 

Roadblock to Efficiency: Heavily Dependant on Manual Processes 

Earlier, the Service Provider manually scheduled and tracked the field service agents. They were relying on static location and business data to define the serviceable zones and manage service requests. Also, they could not arrive at actionable insights from the location data that was produced day in and day out. Other challenges included – 

  • Inefficient resource planning 
  • Limited visibility into the in-field operations 
  • Inaccurate representation of job status 
  • Traditional call based coordination leading to delays 
  • Missed SLAs and order refusals 

Further, reports on capacity management, SLA adherence, turnaround time for tickets, efficiency of the agents were missing. Utilization was sub-optimal and spikes in workload could not be addressed in real time. 

All these challenges called for an efficient and optimized method to leverage real-time location and business data to schedule and track the field operations and hence deliver exceptional client services. 

A Centralized, Location Intelligence-based Solution to Manage Customer’s Field Force 

The Customer together with their digital consulting partner, MediaAgility identified the various constraints in managing field force, like – agent availability, customers’ proximity, skills, preferred time of service, available equipment, and more. MediaAgility designed and developed a POC that factored in all the dynamic constraints to automate Customer’s field operations. After 5 months of reviewing the results of the POC, the complete and enhanced solution on location intelligence platform – Dista was implemented within just two additional months. 

Dista platform uses Google Cloud and Google Maps products like – Google App Engine, Datastore, Firestore, Big Query, and Google Data Studio to develop the solution which offers end-to-end job control, as follows – 

  • Service grid/zone management 
  • Warehouse mapping and inventory control 
  • Field agent routing and scheduling 
  • Tracking of jobs 
  • Mobile and offline support to field agents (cellular and SMS support) 
  • Real-time alerts, notification and communication with field agents 
  • Real-time visual dashboard for the operations team 
A Comprehensive Solution That Has Improved the Overall Operational Efficiency 

The system performs at optimal levels even during periods of high loads since Google Cloud Platform offers extensive scalability, providing an always-on, practically zero-downtime operational infrastructure. 

The system has become an important piece in their strategy of leveraging their field force to create competitive advantages and develop new business opportunities. 

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