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Persistent powers Tricone Projects with Google Apps

MediaAgility was acquired by Persistent in May 2022 and its capabilities form the foundation for Persistent’s Google Business Unit. As a Google Cloud Partner and a strategic IT Transformation services provider, the Google Business Unit is focused on delivering transformational services with cloud-native solutions that enable businesses to stay relevant and benefit from the public cloud platform capabilities. 

Tricone Projects India Limited (TPI) is a fast-growing real estate company constantly striving to achieve new heights and attain professional excellence. It’s a 100% FDI Company which works with highest international standards and state of the art technology. TPI is presently developing residential townships in various cities across India. TPI works towards providing high quality housing facilities in Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities at an affordable price.  So far, TPI has announced two residential projects, one in Patiala and another in Indore.

The challenge

The biggest challenge for Tricone was to reduce its hefty spending on IT with consistent focus on keeping its production environment operational and intact. The existent infrastructure at the Tricone Projects India Limited was turning out to be expensive and offered limited assistance in serving the growing needs of collaboration. With the growth of organization and rising IT and administrative costs, TPI decided to switch to a new platform to serve and take care of the IT and administrative costs of the organization.

Another challenge was to go for a platform that will be compatible with the IT needs and enabled them to reduce the costs. The company earlier relied on in-house MS Exchange and SharePoint. SharePoint occupied huge amounts of data. Large amounts of money were spent on procuring licenses for using MS Outlook and for that MS Office had to be purchased. This paved the path for the company to look for a robust IT solution that could fit their IT budget.

The solution  

Mr. Rajeev Sharma, Manager IT at Tricone, concluded Google Apps for Work would be best suited to meet their requirements and reduce their IT and administrative expenditure drastically. After conferring with the senior management, he concluded that moving to Google Apps cloud-based suite was a step forward for the company and allowed them to get rid of license procurement and enabling the employees to work efficiently, collaborate, and work as a team.

Tricone had 65 users with in-house Microsoft Exchange 2007, SharePoint with huge data and Blackberry Enterprise server. We migrated the email data from Microsoft Exchange to Google Apps for Work. The entire SharePoint data was transferred to Google sites and the Blackberry Express server was set up for existing 50 users.

Corporate security has always been an important role of the IT function. The prime concern for Rajeev was the security of the company’s data and its privacy. “Security for our users and company data is of utmost importance to us. We cannot compromise with our data privacy policies by implementing any available solution. Our IT department took a review of the data security that Google Apps offers to its clients. And we were quite impressed,” says Rajeev.

Google is one of the first major cloud providers to be certified for compliance to the new audit standards. Google Apps has successfully undergone annual SAS 70 Type II audits. SAS70 Type II audit has evolved into the SSAE 16 Type II attestation and its international counterpart, ISAE 3402 Type II.

Our Services

We are a Google for Work partner and have played a significant role in helping the organization deploy Google Apps. We migrated 65 employees of the company to Google Apps for Work and smoothly transitioned them to the new enterprise suite. Everything was completed within a pre-decided time frame with tremendous support from Rajeev at Tricone. We also provided a change management program where the employees were given four sessions of on-site user training and a remote admin session was given to the IT team to make them acquainted with the policies.

About Google Apps

Google Apps is an enterprise-ready suite of applications that includes Gmail, Google Calendar (shared calendaring), Google Docs (online document and spreadsheet hosting), Google Sites (team site creation and publishing), and Google Hangouts.

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