Client Success

Persistent Systems helps NSE EPR with workload management via managed services and HPC solution

July, 2023

The National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) is the country’s leading financial exchange, headquartered in Mumbai. It commenced operations in 1994, and since then, it has grown into an advanced platform offering investors automated and electronic trading facilities. According to the World Federation of Exchanges, in 2022, globally, NSE ranked third in the equity segment by the volume of trades. It is responsible for maintaining a certain degree of transparency in India’s capital market. Over the years, it has assumed the status of an institution of national importance and trusted market infrastructure with high standards of corporate governance.

The Challenge

The existing Virtual Machines (VMs) couldn’t help NSE EPR (Research Dept) process its CPU-intensive workload. The client required a much higher configuration to process the heavy volume of data. Here are some of the challenges that the client faced:

  • Inability to distribute heavy computation tasks amongst multiple machines.
  • Lack of computation capabilities to process stock exchange data and speed up data processing.
  • Deploying a single large VM and running it all the time was not cost-effective.
  • Compromised performance issues and lack of speed impacting scalability.
The Solution

NSE EPR wanted to increase its computation possibilities to manage the overall workload to process all data with a shorter turnaround time. And for this, as part of NSE Data Room project, it decided to work with Persistent Systems, given its successful track record in helping several other financial institutions with the Google Cloud Platform.

After carefully examining the client’s requirements, Persistent Systems’ Managed Services team leveraged SLURM-GCP to deploy a highly scalable and customizable High-Performance Computing (HPC) solution.

  • SLURM (Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management) is an open-source job scheduler for cluster-based computing environments.
  • It is designed to manage allocating resources such as processors, memory, and disk space to individual users and their applications.
The Outcome

NSE EPR has significantly improved its computing and heavy volume data processing possibilities with the SLURM and GCP-powered High-Performance Computing solution. Here are some other noteworthy business benefits:

  • Automatic provisioning and de-provisioning of the VMs required to execute the job, leading to cost savings.
  • Ensuring jobs are queued and scheduled for faster processing.
  • Efficient workload management with possibilities, including setting resource limits and monitoring job progress.
  • Enhanced performance and operational possibilities for efficient risk calculation.

We are committed to investing in technology that keeps us ahead and enables us to serve researchers better. Persistent Systems’ Managed Services provided a robust and highly scalable HPC solution that has enhanced our data processing possibilities. We can add systems to the cluster to handle data-intensive analysis when required.

Dr. Tirthankar Patnaik, Chief Economist

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