Retail Electronic Payments and Settlements using blockchain for increased reliability, speed, reduced risk

Client Success

Retail Electronic Payments and Settlements using blockchain consortium

The client organization focuses on creating and operating a robust retail payments and settlement infrastructure.

The Challenge

The current retail payments and settlement infrastructure had issues related to scalability, concurrent transactions, inter-party interactions and settlement. These shortcomings led to higher per-transaction cost, reduced system throughput, and was vulnerable to frauds.

The client also DR needed a reliable, transparent payment and settlement system due to a non-unified platform across products. They needed a solution design that included designing for high throughput requirements, performance measurements and tuning for best performance.

The Solution

Using R3’s Corda blockchain technology, Persistent built a solution to improve inter-party interactions and streamline the settlement process. It involved modeling the current transaction flows onto Corda blockchain and integration with existing enterprise components.

As part of the solution, a scalable distributed ledger solution was curated where payment transactions between banks are recorded on the shared ledger between counterparties. The system supports multiple sub-ledgers to ensure confidentiality of transactions ​and is architected to scale at the network level.

Moreover, Persistent also developed a single unified platform with intuitive user interface, designed to work across all products for Payment’s orchestration, Clearing and Settlement, and Disputes Management for each participating organization. 

The Outcome
  • Built and deployed a blockchain platform to improve inter-party interactions and streamline the settlement process with increased reliability, speed, reduced risk, and fraud.
  • A cloud native microservices based platform built on Open JDK – Java and R3 Corda Blockchain platform.
  • Improved operational efficiency and liquidity risk management while lowering Total Cost of Ownership.
  • With our solution, 4300 TPS with high availability was achieved, which would be the highest on any Blockchain platform.

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