Cyber Resilience

Cyber Resilience at Persistent Systems

Encountering cyber threats is not a matter of ‘if’, but ‘when’ and ‘how’. Thus, resilience has become imperative for conducting online business. At Persistent, we have embraced a proactive stance towards managing and mitigating cyber risks efficiently. This approach entails establishing the ability to sustain operations and swiftly rebound from cyberattacks through the adoption of a cyber resilience framework. Diverging from traditional cybersecurity, which primarily emphasizes prevention and protection, our cyber resilience framework at Persistent encompasses comprehensive strategies for incident response, business continuity, risk management, and employee training.

Cybersecurity, Business Resiliency and Recovery

Cybersecurity is now a paramount strategic imperative across Persistent. Our approach integrates zero-trust architectures and security modules embedded within applications, reflecting a commitment to safeguarding our business interests. Yet, true preparedness demands more than just a robust cybersecurity plan. It necessitates cultivating a culture of cyber resiliency and recovery. This involves establishing comprehensive processes for remediation and recovery in the event of various threats, including cyber-attacks, natural disasters like earthquakes, or socio-political disruptions such as pandemics or unrest.

Debashish Singh

“As technology continues to evolve around Cloud, Hybrid Workspace and borderless networks, so does the need for every enterprise to focus on proactive threat-hunting and adapt advanced technologies to enhance real-time incident response and remediation capabilities. At Persistent, we have taken the necessary steps to strengthen our Cyber Resilience approach with best of technologies for proactive defense. What’s more, our robust policies, employee awareness programs and detailed incident response playbook add to our preparedness for navigating any cybersecurity threat and providing required assurance to all our stakeholders.”

Debashish Singh
Chief Information Officer

Our cyber resilience philosophy

The Persistent cyber resilience philosophy adopts a dual-pronged strategy. Firstly, it emphasizes investing in top-tier cybersecurity tools to detect and prevent attacks, thereby reducing their likelihood. Secondly, it prioritizes preparedness through a proven recovery strategy, operating under the assumption that attacks are inevitable.

Cyber Resilience and Recovery Program

Built on three decades of experience as a trusted partner for enterprises and ISVs, the Persistent Way integrates secure software engineering solutions into a comprehensive cyber resilience and recovery program. This program is grounded in our robust internal security practices and exemplifies our cyber resilience philosophy. It entails deploying best-in-class cybersecurity measures aligned with ISO and NIST frameworks, coupled with maintaining well-documented and practiced processes and procedures. This approach fortifies organizational resilience against evolving cyber threats.

Cyber Resilience and Recovery Program

Continuous monitoring is achieved through the utilization of dashboards, complemented by a concerted effort to cultivate an actively cybersecurity-conscious end-user community. This endeavor encompasses the implementation of a dedicated and targeted information security awareness program. Additionally, comprehensive initiatives are established to address specific evolving areas of concern, such as safeguarding against credential leaks, secure management of privileged identities and access using Privileged Access Management, Cloud workloads security and preventing phishing attacks.

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