Our Policies
Environmental, Social and Governance Policy
The ESG policy outlines our company-wide approach to integrating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations into our business operations.
EHS Policy
Persistent Systems Limited and all its subsidiaries (Present and Future) are committed to pro-actively conserve the environment, control our impact on climate change and continually improve performance of our Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Management Systems
Anti-Harassment Policy
The Company is committed to providing and maintaining a work environment that is free of harassment based on gender, race, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation or other protected classifications..
Anti-Human Trafficking
This policy reflects our commitment to human rights and sound employment practices. Persistent Systems prohibits employees, subcontractors, subcontractor employees, consultants and agents from engaging in human trafficking-related activities.
Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Committed to fostering, cultivating, and preserving a culture of diversity and inclusion within the organization and in larger communities whom Persistent partners with. Human potential is at the core of Persistent’s growth and success. Persistent’s ability to nurture and empower its workforce is crucial for its longevity and tangible value creation for all stakeholders.
Social Media Policy
This social media policy intends to educate all employees of Persistent Systems and associated persons about their expected online demeanor and sets guidelines to follow while using these platforms for personal and professional purposes
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Our CSR vision is to empower communities through sustainable solutions in healthcare, education, community development, culture, and wildlife preservation. Guided by values of empowerment, sustainability, and collaboration, we aim to leave a lasting impact.
Ethics Policy
Committed to follow the highest standards of business conduct, integrity and ethics. The objective of this document is to explain guiding principles of Persistent’s Ethics Policy and to establish a framework for its administration.
Whistle Blower Policy
The purpose of the Whistle Blower Policy is to devise a procedure by which Employee/s or non-Employee Stakeholders can report to the Company, allegations of known or suspected alleged Improper Activities.
Code of Conduct For Directors and Employees
This Code is derived from three interlinked fundamental principles, viz. good corporate governance, good corporate citizenship and exemplary personal conduct.
Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading
Prevention of Insider Trading for dealing in Securities of Persistent Systems to be observed by all Directors and Designated Persons or any such persons as mentioned in this Code..
Tax Policy
Our tax policy sets out Persistent’s approach to managing its tax affairs and the risks associated with them. It is guided by our core value of Responsibility towards the communities and adherence with law of countries where we operate
Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Policy
‘Zero Tolerance’ approach to corruption and corrupt practices, including providing or accepting cash/non-cash payments, bribes in any forms including Kickbacks, Direct or indirect political contributions, and/or Social payments and Facilitation payments. This policy and procedure is audited by independent third party
Vendor Code Of Conduct
‘Persistent expects that all Vendors shall adhere to the Vendor Code of Conduct while they are conducting business with and/or on behalf of Persistent.
Fraud Risk Management Policy
As a part of the corporate governance framework, Persistent Systems Ltd and its subsidiary companies adopted the Fraud Risk Management policy and procedures to effectively manage the risk of fraud or misconduct in the Company.
Board Diversity Policy
This Board Diversity policy is a guideline document that sets out the approach for Board’s diversity to ensure an inclusive and diverse Board for optimal decision-making for the collective benefit of its stakeholders.
Privacy Policy
Persistent Systems Limited, its subsidiaries and affiliates and any other directly controlled entities as may exist from time to time and their web presence created from time to time, hereinafter referred to as ‘Persistent,’ is committed to respect user’s privacy and choices.
Human Rights Policy
Persistent believes that human rights are a fundamental value for the Company and is aware of the need to ensure that human rights are upheld across the Company and its entire value chain.
Responsible AI Policy
This policy aims to forge a responsible usage, deployment, and development of Al across Persistent, harness the advantages that the Al technology bring whilst mitigating the risks and challenges, and provide guidelines for responsible usage, deployment, and development of Al tools for internal use and client engagement.
Policy for Related Party Transactions (RPT)
To regulate transactions between the Company and Related Parties to ensure they are conducted transparently and fairly.
Policy for Determination of Materiality of Event / Information
This policy is framed for determination of materiality of event / information.
Dividend Distribution Policy
Criteria for the dividend distribution parameters to be followed by the Company while declaring dividend.
Code of Fair Disclosure
Code of Practices and Procedures for Fair Disclosure of Unpublished Price Sensitive Information.
Remuneration Policy
Remuneration Policy for Directors, Key Managerial Personnel, Senior Managerial Personnel and other Employees of Persistent Systems Limited and its Subsidiaries.
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