Leveraging Digital Health to manage the Care Deficit in Covid-19| Persistent Systems Events

Leveraging Digital Health to manage the Care Deficit and address Revenue Challenges in the COVID-19 Era



      COVID-19 has highlighted how healthcare and life sciences organizations are employing digital strategies to rapidly respond to immediate needs of the community. Despite the financial shock, both community and inpatient care had to be adapted quickly to address the increased demand on services. However, a care deficit developing, and revenue challenges are being realized. From myocardial infarction cases dropping to 70% in some regions, to the postponement of cancer screenings, there is a quietly developing curve of undiagnosed and deteriorating non-COVID disease. Response to the pandemic has magnified existing cracks in the system. Healthcare organizations have a choice – they can take a quick fix approach to the impending care and revenue tsunami, or this could be the opportunity to lay the foundation for a radical shift in care delivery.

      Discussion topics:
      • Is a pandemic the right time for long term investments? How to balance short terms needs with long term goals?
      • How has Telehealth and Virtual Care evolved during the pandemic?
      • What are the revenue considerations related to Telehealth and Virtual Care?
      • The convergence of telehealth, personal devices and diagnostics platforms will enable patient care anywhere, anytime – What are early lessons learned?
      • How will clinical care structures change to best utilize emerging technology?
      • How can Providers, Pharma & Payors collaborate to deliver innovative care and business models?
      • How can you deliver a seamless digital journey for both patients and care providers?

      Webinar Recording: Managing care deficit and addressing revenue challenges in the post Covid-19 era

      Watch webinar


      Calum Macrai

      Dr. Calum MacRae, MD, PhD

      Vice Chair for Scientific Innovation, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School

      christopher | Persistent Systems Events

      Christopher O’Connor

      Former CEO, Persistent Systems

      Stan Kachnowski | Persistent Systems Events

      Stan Kachnowski

      Director, Digital Health Program, Columbia Business School, Executive Education HITLAB

      Tatyana Popkova | Persistent Systems Events

      Tatyana Popkova, MSM

      Chief Strategy Officer, Rush University System for Health


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